I am really new to data science. Please don't mark me down as this website is my only hope of progress. I have set of data I obtained from NASA website. When I saved it, it saved as "tsv' file. (Tab separated values). I want to open it on Matlab as a Matrix as I have a code to run on that matrix. Basically I want to import that file to matlab and start running the code on it. Can someone please help me or guide me in the right direction.
I tried various things such as import data, tdfread but so far nothing has worked for me. I was first trying to export the tsv file to MS Excel and then go from Excel to Matlab. That too I don't know how to do. I will give you the link of my data which I want to import on to Matlab.
The link for my data is the following.
Please take a look at http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/VizieR?-source=J%2FApJS%2F209%2F31
If you just click on submit at the lower right corner, one will see the data.
a = importdata('J_ApJS_209_31_table3-150618.tsv') [This the command I used]. Error message on matlab is
??? Error using ==> importdata at 136
Unable to open file.
Error in ==> data at 1
Then I wrote a script.
Error message I get is ??? Undefined function or variable 'J_ApJS_209_31_table3'.
Error in ==> data at 1
is the command listed in the documentation for this kind of task" $\endgroup$