Im trying to implement following gradient descent function in Python for logistic regression:
$∇θ(−logL)=−X^T (y−e^{Xθ})$
This is my python implementation:
def gradient(X, y, theta):
dtheta = -(,y - np.exp(X * theta)))
return dtheta
is a dataframe of size: (2458, 31),
is a dataframe of size: (2458, 1)
is dataframe of size: (2458,1)
when i pass values to my gradient descent function, it returns a dtheta
parameter with size (31,31) due to which i cannot update my theta to pass it to cost function, i cannot fig out where im going wrong.
any help will be appreciated.
Error i keep getting is: ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (2458,1) (31,31)
and this is how im implementing the algorithm:
theta = np.random.uniform(low=-0.1,high=0.1, size=(2458,1))
# Iterate and update theta by using the gradient of the negative log-likelihood
max_iter = 100
learning_rate = 1e-3
for i in range(max_iter):
# Calculate the gradient
dtheta = gradient(X,y,theta)
# Update theta
theta = (theta - learning_rate) * dtheta
# Calculate the value of the log-likelihood
cost = negative_loglikelihood(X,y,theta)
# Print iteration
print("Iteration %d, cost function %.3f" % (i+1,cost))