
I am trying to make a submission of a machine learning classification problem. I have a test dataset where to try my model. To submit I have to build a csv file. The prblem is that when I go building this csv file by doing:

sub = pd.DataFrame({'instructions': test['instructions'],'compiler':new_pred_class}).to_csv('sub.csv')

I get the following error message:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-37-f223adaf5068> in <module>
  1 sub = pd.DataFrame({'instructions': test['instructions'],'compiler':new_pred_class}).to_csv('sub.csv')
----> 2 sub.head()

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'head'

Can somebody please help me? Thank's in advance.


1 Answer 1


The return type of pandas.DataFrame.to_csv is None.

So your first line assigns sub = None:

sub = pd.DataFrame({'instructions': test['instructions'],'compiler':new_pred_class}).to_csv('sub.csv')

This is probably what you wanted:

sub = pd.DataFrame({'instructions': test['instructions'],'compiler':new_pred_class})

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