am new to datascience and i want to learn linear regression so i coded linear regression from scratch and performed gradient descent to find the best $w_\theta$ and $b_\theta$ values using a tutorial. And it went just fine i was able to find the best $w_\theta$ , $b_\theta$ values and i ploted the line-of-best-fit (below).
And the gradient descent code i used to find the $w_\theta$ , $b_\theta$ values is below .
def step_gradient_descent(data,m,b,learning_rate=0.0001):
b_gradient= m_gradient = 0
for i in range(len(data)):
m_gradient+= - (2/N)*(x*(y-y_))
b_gradient+= -(2/N)*(y-y_)
#print("m ={}, b ={}".format(m_gradient,b_gradient))
m_new = m-(learning_rate*m_gradient)
b_new = b-(learning_rate*b_gradient)
return (m_new,b_new)
def perform_gradient_descent(data,m,b,lr=0.0001,epochs=1000):
for i in range(epochs):
if(i % 100 == 0 ):
print("Running {}/{}".format(i,epochs))
(m,b) = step_gradient_descent(data,m,b,lr)
return (m,b,m_array,b_array)
and then i performed features normalization / standization on $x$ , $y$ below
def featureNormalize(data):
mean = np.mean(data , axis=0 )
std = np.std(data , axis=0 )
norm = ( data - mean ) / std
return norm
and then after that i plotted the line-of-best-fit , which was different from the above plotted one.
So things i tried to get back the previous line-of-best-fit as before are
- changing learning rate ( $r$ )
- changing epochs ( $n$ )
which didnot work out. So my understanding is that feature normalization / standization should not have any effect on the gradient descent but that didnot happen in this case. Just curious to figure out what's happening in my case.
Link to my notebook
Thanks in Advance.