I have a dataset where I am focusing on binary classification problem. In total,I have around 60 features in my dataset
When I used Xgboost Feature Importance
, I was able to see that the top 5 features account for 42%
whereas rest of the of the 50 features account for 40-49
% (each feature about 1%) and remaing 8-10 features have zero importance
or less than 1% of importance.
This is my best paramter list for Xgboost
after gridsearch
op_params = {'alpha': [10],
'as_pandas': [True],
'colsample_bytree': [0.5],
'early_stopping_rounds': [100],
'learning_rate': [0.04],
'max_depth': [6],
'metrics': ['auc'],
'num_boost_round': [10000],
'objective': ['reg:logistic'],
'scale_pos_weight': [3.08],
'seed': [123],
'subsample': [0.75]}
Since I have many low importance features, should I try to use them all in my model to increase the model metrics?
When I built the model only with top 5 features, I was able to get 80% accuracy.
I am trying to understand is it even useful to make use of these low importance feature for prediction?
Shown below is my feature importance in descending order
Do they even really help?
Any insights would really be helpful