
I'm working on a personal project to find Triangles on any stock in Python. I detect the max and min points (shift(-5,+5) because if I consider only shift(-1+1) I have a lot of lines) and write lines between 2 max points and 2 min points.

I should continue with this or I should try with another method?

What I'm trying to get is this: enter image description here

enter image description here


2 Answers 2


I came here looking for insight for this same concept—so realize I don't really know what I'm talking about. With that in mind; you might re-consider your shift to only consider backward figures. You wouldn't have access to future


I have an idea for this. This algorithm works on machine vision problems for finding lines of a picture from many keypoint points on a picture.

This algorithm called Hough Transform. follow the link for more information.

I think you can find local extremums in different scales. and base on this dots, run the Hough algorithm and find lines. I did'nt do this but conceptually fits the problem!

If it works properly you will have strong trend lines and you can find it's accuracy by weights of this algorithm.


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