I have data in which each event's outcome can be described by a probability of a categorical occurrence. For example, if all of the possible class outcomes are A, B, C, or D suppose in one event 7/10 people selected category A, 2/10 selected category B, and 1/10 selected C.
The goal of the model is to predict the probability of each class as close to the observed truth as possible. However, it is unclear how to determine the proper target. Here are the options I've thought about doing:
The target becomes the predominant class selected. That is, in the event described above A=1, B=0, C=0, D=0.
Additional classes/categories are created and then become bins of all possible observed probabilities. For example, the event above would become A=1 when Pr(A) >= 0.7.
I THINK option 1 is the the best as option 2 would result in a lot of categories and spread. However, when considering verification of the model output, i.e. Y = {A=0.9, B=0.1, C=0, D=0} for each sample would it not be advantageous to use the actual observed probabilities? Are there other options for the target?