So lets assume I have a binary classification problem and I started out with a logistic regression model. I quickly evaluate the models accuracy (lets assume we don't have a skewed dataset). After this I start to implement other models to compare, I begin with checking the accuracy score and plot a ROC curve to evaluate AOC score.
Lets say that I carry on with my logistic regression model. I wan't to fine-tune it and use a grid search algorithm and from there carry on choosing the best hyperparamters w.r.t the accuracy score.
When do I actually plot the learning and validation curve? I pressume that I should plot it next to see how a larger set of paramters affect the score and then to see if my model is underfitting or overfitting.
But shouldn't I plot the learning curve much earlier for example in the first step where I choose to start with a logistic reg. model?
To sum it up: In what stage is it appropiate to plot a learning curve?