I am a student and I am studying machine learning. I am focusing on the concept of Bayesian learning and I have studied the maximum likelihood hypothesis and the maximum a posteriori hypothesis.
I have seen that the maximum likelihood hypothesis is the hyposesis that maximizes the likelihood of seeng the data, and it is defined as:
$h_{ML}=arg_h max P(D|h)$
while maximum a posteriori hypothesis is the hypothesis that maximizes the posterir probability of seeng the data, and it is defined as:
$h_{MAP}=arg_h max P(D|h)P(h)$
I am really confused by these two definitions, since I can't grasp what is the difference between the two.
I have understood that the maximum likelihood hypothesis is the one that, given some observed data, finds the parameters of the distribution such that I am most likly to understand the data.
But I cannot unserstand what is the MAP hypothesis.
I have tried to read some interpretations and definitions, mìbut I can't understand the difference between the two.
So, what is the difference between maximum likelihood hypothesis and maximum a posteriori hypothesis?