I have run a multivariate linear regression model on a small set of about 3500 samples. While the model's error is as large as expected, I also ran a bias vs. variance analysis by comparing the train set error vs. the test set error using different sample sizes. I was expecting something like this:
But instead I found that the train error doesn't plateau at any point.
The code that generates this graph is the following:
def loss_by_sample(X, Y, testX, testY, learning_rate):
samples_list = list()
train_loss_list = list()
test_loss_list = list()
m = X.shape[0]
for i in range(50, len(X), 50):
weights, loss = gradient_descent(learning_rate, X[:i], Y[:i])
X2 = tf.concat([tf.ones([X.shape[0], 1]), X], 1)
train_loss = (1/(2 * m) * tf.tensordot(tf.transpose(h(X2[:i], weights) - Y[:i]), (h(X2[:i], weights) - Y[:i]), axes=1))[0][0]
X2 = tf.concat([tf.ones([testX.shape[0], 1]), testX], 1)
test_loss = (1/(2 * m) * tf.tensordot(tf.transpose(h(X2, weights) - testY), (h(X2, weights) - testY), axes=1))[0][0]
// plot train_loss, test_loss
I have tried different learning rates and the one I picked is the one that minimizes the loss using mean squared error:
(values to the right of the x axis after the last datapoint are inf
Is there something I can conclude from this? Any reason why the train error can surpass the test error?