I am new to NLP and have a dataset that has a bunch of (social media) messages on which I would like to try some methods like latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). First, I need to clean the data of things like punctuation, emojis, etc. I'm not sure how to go about doing this in the most efficient and accurate manner. My code right now is this:
import pandas as pd
import re
class TopicModel():
def __init__(self, data_path = "data.csv"):
self.data_path = data_path
self.data = pd.read_csv(self.data_path, low_memory=False)
def clean_data(self):
def remove_message_na(self):
self.data = self.data.loc[~pd.isna(self.data['message'])]
def remove_emojis(self):
self.data['message'] = self.data['message'].str.encode("ascii", "ignore").str.decode("utf8")
def remove_punctuation_and_lower(self):
p = re.compile('''[!#?,.:";]''')
self.data['cleaned_data'] = [p.sub("", ii).lower() for ii in self.data['message'].tolist()]
def remove_empty_messages(self):
self.data = self.data.loc[self.data['cleaned_data'] != ""]
def remove_url(self):
self.data = [re.sub(r"http\S+", "", ii) for ii in self.data['message'].tolist()]
I don't want to remove contractions, which is why I left out '
from my punctuation list, but I think optimally, the contractions would be reformatted as two separate words. I also wonder about the other punctuation marks when dealing with social media data, e.g., #
. I know this question is a bit general, but I'm wondering if there is a good python library for performing the kind of data-cleaning operations that I want, prior to perform topic analysis, sentiment analysis, etc. I'd also like to know which libraries can efficiently perform these data-cleaning operations on a pandas data frame.