I'm new to NER and I've been trying to extract names using Spacy. Here's my code:
import spacy
spacy_nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
doc = spacy_nlp(text.strip())
# create sets to hold words
named_entities = set()
money_entities = set()
organization_entities = set()
location_entities = set()
time_indicator_entities = set()
for i in doc.ents:
entry = str(i.lemma_).lower()
text = text.replace(str(i).lower(), "")
# Time indicator entities detection
if i.label_ in ["TIM", "DATE"]:
# money value entities detection
elif i.label_ in ["MONEY"]:
# organization entities detection
elif i.label_ in ["ORG"]:
# Geographical and Geographical entities detection
elif i.label_ in ["GPE", "GEO"]:
# extract artifacts, events and natural phenomenon from text
elif i.label_ in ["ART", "EVE", "NAT", "PERSON"]:
The model seems to have a decent accuracy with certain kinds of names. However it is unaware of how people’s names can differ around the world (not adapted to suit cultural differences). Is there a possible workaround to avoid this bias?