I would like to fine the pre-trained RetinaNet model available in torchvision in order to create my own object detection.
I'm trying to replicate what is done for the FastRCNN at this link: https://pytorch.org/tutorials/intermediate/torchvision_tutorial.html#finetuning-from-a-pretrained-model
What I have done is the following:
model = model = torchvision.models.detection.retinanet_resnet50_fpn(pretrained=True)
num_classes = 2
# get number of input features and anchor boxed for the classifier
in_features = model.head.classification_head.conv[0].in_channels
num_anchors = model.head.classification_head.num_anchors
# replace the pre-trained head with a new one
model.head = RetinaNetHead(in_features, num_anchors, num_classes)
The model is declared, and the training doesn't break. However the performance are so bad that neither a very stupid detection works.
My question is, the code that I wrote is okay to retrain the RetinaNet model?