Isn't it a problem that $y_i$ (in $\log(y_i)$) could be 0?
Yes it is, since $\log(0)$ is undefined, but this problem is avoided using $\log(y_i + \epsilon)$ in practice.
What is correct?
(a) $H_{y'} (y) := - \sum_{i} y_{i}' \log (y_i)$ or
(b) $H_{y'}(y) := - \sum_{i} ({y_i' \log(y_i) + (1-y_i') \log(1-y_i)})$?
(a) is correct for multi-class prediction (it is actually a double summation), (b) is the same as (a) for two-class prediction. Both are cross-entropy.
Suppose each training data $x_i$ has label $c_i' \in \{0, 1\}$, and model predicts $c_i \in [0, 1]$.
For 5 data points, true label $c_i'$ and model prediction $c_i$ are:
$(c_i', c_i)=\{(0, 0.1), (0, 0.4), (0, 0.8), (1, 0.8), (1, 0.2)\}$ (1),
Define vectors $y_i'$ and $y_i$ as
$y_{ik}':=1$ if $c_i'=k$, and $:=0$ otherwise,
$y_{ik}:=p(k|x_i)$ is the probability of $x_i$ belonging to class $k$, which is estimated by model.
Example (1) in $(y_i', y_i)$ notation turns into:
$(y_i', y_i)=\{([1, 0], [0.9, 0.1]),$ $([1, 0], [0.6, 0.4]),$ $([1, 0], [0.2, 0.8]),$ $([0, 1], [0.2, 0.8]),$ $([0, 1], [0.8, 0.2])\}$,
Both (a) and (b) are calculated as:
$H_{y'}(y)=-1/5([log(0.9)+log(0.6) + log(0.2)]_{c_i=0} + [log(0.8) + log(0.2)]_{c_i=1}) = 0.352$
Suppose there is multiple classes $1$ to $K$.
For training point $(x_i, c_i')$, $c_i' = k$ is equivalent to $y_i'=[0,..,1,0,..]$ which is 1 in $k^{th}$ position and 0 elsewhere. When $y_{ik}'=1$, we want model's output $y_{ik}=p(k|x_i)$ to be close to 1. Therefore, loss of $(x_i, k)$ can be defined as $-log(y_{ik})$, which gives $y_{ik} \rightarrow 1 \Rightarrow -log(y_{ik}) \rightarrow 0$. Loss over all classes can be combined as:
$L(y_i', y_i) = -\sum_{k=1}^{K}y_{ik}'log(y_{ik})$.
When $y_{ik}' = 1$, loss of all other classes $k' \neq k$ is disabled as $0log(y_{ik'})=0$, so for example when true label is $y_{im}'=1$, loss would be:
$L(y_i', y_i)=-log(y_{im})$.
Final formula over all training points is:
$H_{y'}(y)=-\sum_{(x_i, y_i')}\sum_{k=1}^{K}y_{ik}'log(y_{ik})$.
For binary classification, we have $y_{i0}' = 1 - y_{i1}'$ (true labels) and $y_{i0} = 1 - y_{i1}$ (model predictions), therefore (a) can be rewritten as:
H_{y'}(y)&=-\sum_{(x_i, y_i')}y_{i1}'log(y_{i1})+y_{i0}'log(y_{i0})\\
&=-\sum_{(x_i, y_i')}y_{i1}'log(y_{i1})+(1-y_{i1}')log(1-y_{i1})
which is the same as (b).
Cross-entropy (a) over classes (one summation)
Cross-entropy (a) over classes is:
This version cannot be used for the classification task. Lets reuse the data from the previous example:
$(c_i', c_i)=\{(0, 0.1), (0, 0.4), (0, 0.8), (1, 0.8), (1, 0.2)\}$
Empirical class probabilities are: $y'_0 = 3/5 = 0.6$, and $y'_1 = 0.4$,
Class probabilities estimated by model are: $y_0 = 3/5 = 0.6$, and $y_1 = 0.4$
(a) is calculated as: $-y'_0logy_0 - y'_1logy_1 = - 0.6log(0.6) -0.4log(0.4) = 0.292$.
Two data points $(0, 0.8)$ and $(1, 0.2)$ are miss-classified but $y'_0$ and $y'_1$ are estimated correctly!
If all 5 points where classified correctly as:
$(c_i', c_i)=\{(0, 0.1), (0, 0.4), (0, \color{blue}{0.2}), (1, 0.8), (1, \color{blue}{0.8})\}$ ,
(a) still remains the same, since $y'_0$ is again estimated as $y_0=3/5$.