I have the columns of Latitude and Longitude of city like shown below :
City Latitude Longitude
1) Vauxhall Food & Beer Garden -0.123684 51.485020
2) 14 Hills -0.129212 51.507426
3) Cardiby -0.123234 52.476264
Now I want to calculate distance between the coordinates of specific place with all cities as shown in data frame . Like
Lon = 0.1245 Lat = 51.685
These above two coordinates should be subtracted with Lat/Lon cities of DataFrame . Output should look like:
City Latitude Longitude Distance
1) Vauxhall Food & Beer Garden -0.123684 51.485020 275km
2) 14 Hills -0.129212 51.507426 856km
3) Cardiby -0.123234 52.476264 584km
My code :
from haversine import haversine
from math import sin, cos, sqrt, atan2, radians
df['Latitude'] = [radians(i) for i in df['Latitude']]
df['Longitude'] = [radians(j) for j in df['Longitude']]
lat2 = radians(50.0863)
lon2 = radians(14.4139)
dlon = [i-lat2 for i in df['Latitude']]
dlat = [j-lon2 for j in df['Longitude']]
It is not working ,