We have an Oracle database in which the main table "A1" is partitioned by the hour of insertion of the row. A row once inserted, may be updated depending upon data in 6 other tables (B,C,D,E,F,G) in the same database.
A partition in table A1 typically gets updated for a few hours after it starts receiving data. After the updates to the partition are finished, the partition gets archived, i.e, it is moved from production to an archive database. The time of creation of a partition and the time of its archival are logged.
Now, my question is given the past history of creation and archival times of partitions, how can I predict when a partition created now in A1 will be archived? What kind of model (regression, etc.) is the best to answer this question? How can I set up a model that tracks the dependence of the archival time of a partition on the attributes in other tables (B,C,D,E,F,G)?