How to obtain the Accuracy
, Detection_Rate
, False_Positive_Rate
and False_Negative_Rate
for each class ?
For example, all these metrics in class_1
, class_2
, class_3
Here is an example of a code I used to compute the accuracy of a VGG classifier, it is done with Pytorch :
# VGGClassifier is my Model being trained
# testloader is my dataset for testing
print('Now testing...')
res = 0 # This variable counts the number of good answer
for n, (Xtest, Ytest) in enumerate(testloader): # Batchsize of testloader should probably be 1
Xtest, Ytest =, # Put the tensor on CPU/GPU
Y_pred = VGGClassifier(Xtest) # Compute the output of the model
if torch.argmax(Y_pred) == Ytest:
res += 1 # If predicted output = groundtruth output, then we add 1 to the counter
acc = res / (len(testloader)) # divide the number of good answer by the total number
acctab.append(acc) # This list stores the accuracy values during training
print("acc : ", acc)
This code is not very hard so take your time to understand it and you can then adapt it to compute Detection_Rate, False_Positive_Rate and False_Negative_Rate.
For example to compute Detection_Rate of class1, you use the same code as accuracy, but instead of checking the output for each value, you only check the output for values where Ytest = 1 (they belong to the first class).
Not sure if my explaination is clear enough, I can give some more code snippets if you struggle with some metrics.
I'm pretty sure TF and Pytorch both have the basic metrics already coded, so make sure to have a look on their library of metrics :