I built a U-Net model in PyTorch that is trained on medical images to detect polyps. The purpose of the model is to do semantic segmentation, so it must predict the location + class of polyps.
Now I want to hook the model up to some videos so they can be inferenced. I can't get this to work, because the input size of each frame is different than the input that the model expects.
The frame I read (with CV2) is of size: [1080, 1920, 3]. The model is of size [64, 3, 7, 7]. I figured 64 is the batch size here, 3 is the channels, but what are the 7, 7? The size of the image I should input? I created a pastebin with the model architecture here: https://pastebin.com/XUV35MbE.
Can someone show me how to input my frame into the model to get a prediction? The code I have now is:
capture = cv2.VideoCapture('data/videos/17.mp4')
success, frame = capture.read()
going = True
while going:
going, frame = capture.read()
if not going and frame is None:
frame = torch.tensor(frame).transpose(0,2).type('torch.cuda.FloatTensor')
results = model(frame)
Edit: the error I get is: RuntimeError: Expected 4-dimensional input for 4-dimensional weight [64, 3, 7, 7], but got 3-dimensional input of size [3, 1920, 1080] instead
context manager to prevent the calculation of gradients and speed up the forward pass. $\endgroup$torch.unsqueeze(frame, 0)
should work. $\endgroup$RuntimeError: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 3. Got 135 and 136 (The offending index is 0)
, do you happen to know why that is? $\endgroup$n
times, withn
being the number of times you are downsampling. I would expect a height of 1088 to work, so try padding/rescaling your image to that height. $\endgroup$