(Note: this is part of a homework assignment. I am not asking for a solution to the assigned problem, I am just confused by some behavior in R.)
I have a dataset loaded into an R script as a dataframe. After displaying three of the attributes in a boxplot, I have identified the presence of outliers in two of the three. The next step of the assignment is to remove all outliers. I have written code to do this, but it only removes them from the first of the two attributes; the second application of the process doesn't remove any additional records from the dataframe.
I am using the following code, adapted from reading this R-bloggers post:
# Get quantiles and IQR for each of the two attributes:
ar_quantiles <- quantile(leaf_data$aspect_ratio)
ar_iqr <- IQR(leaf_data$aspect_ratio)
s_quantiles <- quantile(leaf_data$solidity)
s_iqr <- IQR(leaf_data$solidity)
# Aspect Ratio cleanup.
leaf_data <- subset(
leaf_data$aspect_ratio > (ar_quantiles[1] - 1.5 * ar_iqr) &
leaf_data$aspect_ratio < (ar_quantiles[2] + 1.5 * ar_iqr)
# Solidity cleanup.
leaf_data <- subset(
leaf_data$solidity > (s_quantiles[1] - 1.5 * s_iqr) &
leaf_data$solidity < (s_quantiles[2] + 1.5 * s_iqr)
(There was a different method demonstrated in the blog post, but when I switched to that method it left an outlier in the aspect_ratio
column and still made no change to the solidity
Because of my limited R understanding, the only real debugging I've been able to do is to dump the output of boxplot(leaf_data$solidity, plot = FALSE)$out
before and after the lines that clean up the solidity
column. But there was no change in the number of the elements returned by that expression (the elements themselves were unchanged as well).
Does this look like a common error/misunderstanding to anyone?