Linked Questions

27 votes
2 answers

Why do we need to discard one dummy variable?

I have learned that, for creating a regression model, we have to take care of categorical variables by converting them into dummy variables. As an example, if, in our data set, there is a variable ...
Mithun Sarker Shuvro's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Can we remove features that have zero-correlation with the target/label?

So I draw a pairplot/heatmap from the feature correlations of a dataset and see a set of features that bears Zero-correlations both with: every other feature and also with the target/label ....
karthiks's user avatar
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6 votes
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How high of a correlation coefficient of a feature with a target variable is considered too high?

Currently my classification model is doing too well on all of the train, validation, and test datasets. I'm assuming there is a data leakage in the features, and therefore I've computed the ...
haneulkim's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Can GLM( generalized linear method) handle the collinearity between the predictor variables in a regression-analysis?

I'm a beginner in Machine learning and I've studied that collinearity among the predictor variables of a model is a huge problem since it can lead to unpredictable model behaviour and a large error. ...
Bharathi's user avatar
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decision -tree regression to avoid multicollinearity for regression model?

I read in comments a recommendation for decision tree´s instead of linear models like neural network, when the dataset has many correlated features. Because to avoid multicollinearity. A similar ...
martin's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Evaluating new features

How should I evaluate whether new features are effective or not? Should I build a new model with the new features then compare with the old one with the same hyper parameter?
user44319's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Removing features that correlate with the target label

I know that it is better to remove correlated features, but what if the feature correlates with the target label? So, it gives the most information for prediction? Do I need to remove features that ...
anorexy's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to select features for a ML model

I have a dataset with 5K records for binary classification problem. My features are min_blood_pressure, max_blood_pressure, <...
The Great's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

If I have two variables with strong correlation, should I delete one and leave the other in my data

I have a large dataset, where I should make a binary prediction. The fact is that, after analyzing the data, I found that some variables are positively correlated to each other. So, I was wondering ...
Ahmed Camara's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Should highly correlated features be removed, even if they have different type of information?

A quick example for this: we have many feature and two of them are policy count and premium_total (for all policies). We are predicting the expected claim amount with GBM or RF. Both policy_count and ...
morqueatsz's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Feature creation: Problem with correlated features?

I recently started to read about feature creation. I've seen some general guidelines although I am not really sure if they are completely true, for example: 1 - Linear classifiers for binary ...
embedded_dev's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Which redundant feature should be use

I have two redundant features. A & B with 0.85 correlation. I know only one of them should be used to trained my model, but which feature should i use? A or B? Is there any method that can i use ...
Jovian Aditya's user avatar