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Top N accuracy for an imbalanced multiclass classification problem

I have a multi-class classification problem that is imbalanced. The task is about animal classification. Since it's imbalanced, I am using macro-F1 metric and the current result that I have is: ...
Minions's user avatar
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Compare model accuracy when training with imbalanced and balanced data

So I was recently doing a data science project which is a multi class classification. The project can be found The dataset is an ...
YannickAaron's user avatar
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g-mean for binary classification doesn't use sensitivity of each class?

scikit-learn's contrib package, imbalanced-learn, has a function, geometric_mean_score(), ...
Anders Swanson's user avatar
31 votes
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macro average and weighted average meaning in classification_report

I use the "classification_report" from from sklearn.metrics import classification_report in order to evaluate the imbalanced binary classification ...
user10296606's user avatar
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Target mean encoding worse than ordinal encoding with GBDT ( XGBoost, CatBoost )

I have a dataset of 23k rows of an unbalanced dataset 85/15 ratio, 10 variables ( 9 of which are categorical ) , i'm using CatBoost and XGBoost for a binary classification. I applied cv (5 iteration ...
Blenz's user avatar
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Random forest with zero precision for unbalanced test data

Apologies if this is a basic question. I have a very unbalanced dataset in which the records are labelled by one of two classes, class1 (negative class) and class2 (positive class): class 1: 1.5 ...
manuel mourato's user avatar