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Questions tagged [annotation]

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How to train a Deep learning model to extract tabular data from excel files?

I have hundreds of Excel files containing financial transactions (e.g., stocks, mutual funds, etc.) in varying formats. Each file can contain one or more tables, and the tables are located at ...
Vg_03's user avatar
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Training Data for Duplicate Detection: Allow External Information?

We have collected metadata of scientific publications (in a bilingual English-French context) from several international platforms (OpenAlex, Scopus) and French platforms (Hal, Idref, etc.). Many ...
joadorn's user avatar
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Annotation with nested and dynamic forms?

I am trying to label data where a piece of text can have any number of top level labels, and for each of those, it can have any number of child labels. For example, the text might be a description of ...
Dima's user avatar
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What are good ways to extend an ML model with a new class without relabeling all previous data?

I have a segmentation model trained using 1,000 images that can predict 4 classes (dog, cat, mouse, elephant). I would now like to extend the model with a 5th class (horse). Horses are present in the ...
nickponline's user avatar
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Easier way to use Haystack Annotation Tool or alternative to generate SQuAD data

I want to annotate some passages in the SQuAD format. After some research, I found that the Haystack Annotation Tool by is the best option for this purpose. Most of the old tutorials ...
Israt Afrin's user avatar
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Do any text tagging NLP tools use a relational database or anything other than text files to annotate texts?

I am learning about how production systems implement text tagging. MILA has this XML format, and according to ChatGPT, Brat has a text file format, though haven't found much examples of that other ...
HareSurf's user avatar
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Annotating and Structuring a Dataset for Duplicate Detection

I'm currently working on a project that requires the detection of duplicate bands in Western blot images. The task involves two types of duplicates: ...
Emmanuel's user avatar
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annotation file for ham10000

I am attempting to train a Faster R-CNN model using the HAM10000 dataset. However, I have been unable to locate an annotation file specifically for this dataset. I am seeking guidance on the most ...
Ali Salimi's user avatar
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How can I manually annotate data in XML?

I am involved in a project where we need a solution for manually annotating the contents of patient medical records stored in an XML format. We need a tool to show the contents of the fields of the ...
Thomas Arildsen's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Open source NLP annotation tool/library supports active learning

I am looking for an NLP annotation tool/library that supports active learning. I am looking for something that works in this scenario: Annotating N samples. Training a model on the annotated data. ...
Minions's user avatar
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Should I annotate additional information besides the categories I already need in a text?

I have a dataset with bank transfer reasons. They vary a lot because humans wrote them. From the reasons that are linked to invoice payments I need to extract several things: invoice number(s) IBAN ...
Yana's user avatar
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Bias that makes annotators accept a prediction rather then coming up with a different label

Many annotation tools can speed up the classification of images (or other data) by providing a prediction of the correct label which the user can accept or correct. However, humans have a tendency to ...
moi's user avatar
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Which data is necessary for PASCAL VOC?

Which information is required for consider data as PASCAL VOC? Folder filename path size-width size-hieght size-depth segmented object-name object-boundingbox (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) Is XML a the ...
tremendows's user avatar
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How to annotate complete images?

I am currently playing around with tensorflows object detection to learn the basics. Now I've set myself the goal to detect letters in computer written text. For example the header of a newspaper ...
mathi1651 's user avatar
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Merging models: using a named entity recognition model to annotate data on a different dataset [closed]

Lets say we have two trained models Ma and Mb which were trained with different datasets in a Named Entity Recognition task. Those datasets A and B contain different document and also variables or ...
Ed.'s user avatar
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Annotating NER dataset

I am working on annotating a dataset for the purpose of named entity recognition. In principle, I have seen that for multi-phrase (not single word) elements, annotations work like this (see this ...
Timbus Calin's user avatar
5 votes
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Inter-Annotator Agreement score for NLP?

I have several annotators who annotated strings of text for me, in order to train an NER model. The annotation is done in json format, and it consists of a string followed by the start and end index ...
Adnos's user avatar
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Manual Data Cleanup Tools

I am writing an ETL pipeline for geospatial data of the form place_name,address,longitude,latitude,id_linking_to_other_dataset As the last step in the pipeline, I ...
Hayden's user avatar
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How would you build a big production ready image training dataset from scratch?

How would you most likely create a large production ready image training dataset from scratch including annotations for a image classification task? We will take a large amount of images (~1 million) ...
Basti's user avatar
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Identify outliers for annotation in text data

I read the book "Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning" by Robert (Munro) Monarch about Active Learning. I don't understand the following approach to get a diverse set of items for humans to ...
Mykola Zotko's user avatar
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For obejct detection, should I resize my custom images first and then start the annotation or it won't matter?

I have my custom dataset images of size (1080 x 1920) and I am trying to use yolov3 for object detection. I noticed that yolov3 model accepts an input image size of 416 x 416. So I am in confusion if ...
nirojshrestha019's user avatar
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Tool for annotation of images for semantic segmentation

I have been searching around for a software tool, that I can use for annotating images. More specifically I want to do annotation to be used for semantic segmentation, meaning I want to create masks. ...
lo2's user avatar
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Online Audio annotation tools

I need to find a decent online annotation tool to transcribe audio. There are some requirements for a potential tool: I should be able to deliver audio files to a few labelers. I should be able to ...
Aidos's user avatar
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Are there any open-source text annotation for multi label classification tools?

I have a large texts in each document and I want to know if there are any open source text annotation tools available online for multiple label annotation. Each sentence takes two labels. If there ...
user_12's user avatar
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How should labeled data from multiple annotators be prepared for ML text classification?

My specific question is how NLP data from multiple human annotators should be aggregated - though general advice related to the question title is appreciated. One critical step that I've seen in ...
l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l's user avatar
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Semantic Annotation in text with

I came across (previously known as the dmoz taxonomy) and I'm interested to see how I could best start tagging a given text, with concepts from that taxonomy: Are there any tools out there ...
jlos's user avatar
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Corpus suggestion for financial domain [closed]

I am looking for a financial corpus or any form of publicly available financial texts which is replete with technical terms and acronyms. Any suggestion is appreciated.
user3070752's user avatar
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Image masking tool to implement mask RCNN using python

I am trying to understand Mask RCNN. For that I have to input image with mask in png format while building the model. I try to follow the article present in this blog. The blogger used Pixel ...
Subramanian's user avatar
4 votes
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How to deal with annotation errors?

I know my annotators are not perfect, sometimes making mistakes. What would be the best way to deal with the annotation errors for my training data?
Edamame's user avatar
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Best practice on count of manual annotations for building criminal detection from news articles?

We have 7 million news articles corpus, which we want to classify into crimes or non-crimes and further identify criminals by using NERs/annotating criminals, crime manually. For creating a model that ...
Bharati's user avatar
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Create labels or annotation from two color images

I have two categories of images to use in my deep learning model. The firs category is aerial images that contain roads (such as road-1.jpg). The second category is two color images that contains road ...
fdas's user avatar
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How to train a neural network for high recall?

I would like to train a neural network for named entity recognition to tag an unlabeled dataset of texts. The generated labels will then be checked via a crowdsourcing platform. The goal is to ...
cookiedealer's user avatar
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App or Service to QA 80,000 classified images?

I've been reviewing services and apps for the past week and my head is exploding. I just haven't found the right one yet, but I know it has to be out there, so I'm turning to the collective wisdom ...
Scott Smith's user avatar
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Using doccano for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis annotation

Currently looking for a good tool to annotate sentences regarding aspects and their respective sentiment polarities. I'm using SemEval Task 4 as a reference. The following is an example in the ...
Filipe Aleixo's user avatar
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Annotation tool for classification experiments

What tools are available that provide an interface to present text classification results? I need to keep and compare the results of different classification algorithms for unsupervised data. The tool ...
dsalfran's user avatar
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What are the best tools for manually annotating textual topic segmentation?

I checked this old question on tools for text corpus annotation and there are many good tools there, however the tools there seem not to cover my problem. I have a linear text segmentation problem, ...
Thiago's user avatar
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5 answers

What are helpful annotation tools (if any)

I'm looking for tools that would help me and my team annotate training sets. I work in an environment with large sets of data, some of which are un- or semi-structured. In many cases there are ...