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Is classification enough for this?

I have a DB with 2 tables connected with a one to many relationship. Let's say one of A is linked to many of B. The tables have both two fields for a date and some text. And both tables get new ...
denpal's user avatar
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Estimating the uncertainty of regression models

Given a regression model, with n features, how can I measure the uncertainty or confidence of the model for each prediction? Suppose for a specific prediction the accuracy is amazing, but for another ...
Maria's user avatar
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Which ML algorithm should I use for following use case for classification and Why?

I have data in table format having total 3 columns. One column for label, other two columns are features. So, such 30 rows(1 row contains 2 feature and 1 label) make one set of data with all 30 rows ...
Mitesh Patel's user avatar
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Experiment click to lead prediction with Azure ML

I am experimenting now with the Azure ML Studio and I am trying to predict leads based on the clicks I have. I am exporting a data set of 60.000 Clicks and 8.000 Leads from these clicks. My data ...
nnikolay's user avatar
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What Machine Learning Algorithm could I use to determine some measure in a date?

I am getting stuck with this problem. Let's say that we have the next information. CustomerID: 1, Date: 3/2/2018, Quantity: 3, Total: 390.78, Min: 130.26, Max: 130.26 We want to determine given a ...
Arturo Reyes's user avatar
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Create Custom Python Model in Azure ML Studio?

I came across this article on how to create a Custom R Model and use it in Azure ML studio Can we ...
Maddy's user avatar
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How to bypass ID column without being used in the training model but have it as output - Azure ML

The input data in the model includes column ControlNo. But I don't want this column being part of learning process so I'm using Select Columns in Dataset to ...
Serdia's user avatar
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