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2 answers

For a student who is a beginner in quantitative research and statistics, which is the better statistical tool to start: R or IBM SPSS? Why? [closed]

Currently, I am writing my research design. However, I am still indecisive on what statistical tool should I use for the data analysis. I tried looking up on the internet and there are disparate ...
Aidre Cabrera's user avatar
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How to get R Table Column Names

I could not find anywhere how I can do this seemingly simple task (Retrieving column names in R was not helpful). I have an R table defined as ...
Jaken's user avatar
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Recording Data of my learning progress

I'm just starting out with learning about Data Science and programming through various online course. Was thinking a good first project would be a to create a log of what I'm learning and how long ...
Dave Wilson's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Do you have to normalize data when building decision trees using R?

So, our data set this week has 14 attributes and each column has very different values. One column has values below 1 while another column has values that go from three to four whole digits. We ...
Jae's user avatar
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Data transposition code in R

I've been working in SAS for a few years but as my time as a student with a no-cost-to-me license comes to an end, I want to learn R. Is it possible to transpose a data set so that all the ...
Andrea Bontrager Yoder's user avatar
3 votes
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Avoid iterations while calculating average model accuracy

I am fitting a model in R. use createFolds method to create several k folds from the data set loop through the folds, repeating ...
IgorS's user avatar
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R aggregate() with dates

I am working on a data set that has multiple traffic speed measurements per day. My data is from the city of chicago, and it is taken every minute for about six months. I wanted to consolidate this ...
BigDataDude's user avatar