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Nested-cross validation pipeline and confidence intervals

I'm hoping someone can help me think through this. I've come across a lot of different resources on nested-cv, but I think I'm confused as to how to go about model selection and the appropriate ...
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Estimate confidence interval of a cubic B-spline fit

I have a non-linear system. I apply multiple inputs x(t) (t=time) and measure each response y(t). In other words, I have inputs x1(t), x2(t), x3(t), xn(t) and I measure y1(t), y2(t), y3(t), yn(t) for ...
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Understanding the code for calculating the 95% confidence interval of AUC using bootstrapping

It's really embarrassing, but I lack statistical knowledge. I would like to find the confidence interval for AUC at 95%. Actually, I got the code from here(
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Evaluate Dendrogram Statistical Significance

I have N=21 objects and each one has about 80 possible not NaN descriptors. I carried out a hierarchical clustering on the objects and I obtained this dendrogram. I want some kind of 'confidence' ...
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