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Questions tagged [bootstraping]

12 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Difference Bagging and Bootstrap aggregating

Bootstrap belongs to Efron. Tibshirani wrote a book about that in reference to Efron. Bootstrap process for estimating the standard error of statistic s(x). B bootstrap sample are generatied from ...
martin's user avatar
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Question on bootstrap sampling

I have a corpus of manually annotated (aka "gold standard) documents and a collection of NLP systems annotations on the text from the corpus. I want to do a bootstrap sampling of the system and ...
horcle_buzz's user avatar
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What is the best way to combine cross-validation and bootstrapping for one application?

We intend to model data with non-parametric covariate splines and we would like to understand the uncertainty of the parameter estimates/response estimates. Currently, we use cross-validation to model ...
Stan Tendijck's user avatar
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How to perform bootstrap validation on CART decision tree?

I have a relatively small dataset n = 500 for which I am training a CART decision tree. My dataset has about 30 variables and the outcome has 3 classes. I am using CART for interpretability purposes, ...
Eric Yamga's user avatar
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Evaluate Dendrogram Statistical Significance

I have N=21 objects and each one has about 80 possible not NaN descriptors. I carried out a hierarchical clustering on the objects and I obtained this dendrogram. I want some kind of 'confidence' ...
Mirko's user avatar
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Stratified sampling - use of proxy variable

For splitting of the data into train/test/val I use stratified sampling. Is it appropriate to define strata using information extracted from the dataset? E.g. use machine-learning to model proxy ...
holoubekm's user avatar
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How are the same observation sets treated in Random Forests with Bootstrapping?

Let's assume an extremely small dataset with only 4 observations. And I create a Random Forest model, with a quite large number of trees, say 200. If so, some sample sets that are the same each other ...
jlee's user avatar
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About confidence/prediction intervals: parametric methods VS non-parametric (via bootstrap) methods

About the methodology to find confidence and/or prediction intervals in, let's say, a regression problem, I know 2 main options: Checking normality in the estimates/predictions distribution, and ...
German C M's user avatar
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Is this the correct way to model a sample statistic: Bayesian vs Bootstrapping

I have 2 samples S1 & S2. Contain lead level margins, converted 1 or 0 flag. Need to compare metric sum(margin) /sum(converted) for both. Sample size is low for frequentist. I tried bootstrapping ...
jay's user avatar
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Is there a way to create a bootstrapped beta calibration function to use on new data?

I have created ML classification models that are now to be evaluated on a different population for external validation (n=5000, event rates between n=400 and n=1200 for different outcomes under study)....
mmo's user avatar
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Estimate confidence interval of a cubic B-spline fit

I have a non-linear system. I apply multiple inputs x(t) (t=time) and measure each response y(t). In other words, I have inputs x1(t), x2(t), x3(t), xn(t) and I measure y1(t), y2(t), y3(t), yn(t) for ...
JrV's user avatar
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Understanding the code for calculating the 95% confidence interval of AUC using bootstrapping

It's really embarrassing, but I lack statistical knowledge. I would like to find the confidence interval for AUC at 95%. Actually, I got the code from here(
JAE's user avatar
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