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Tuning the learning rate parameter for GBDT models

I've always been taught that decreasing the learning rate parameter in gbdt models such as XGBoost, LightGBM and Catboost will improve the out-of-sample performance, assuming the number of iterations ...
Casper's user avatar
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Intuition behind catboost encoding techniques

Can anyone please help me in understanding the effect of various bucketing techniques used in CatBoost Algorithm for categorical features? Like there is border, buckets, binarized target mean, counter ...
Mimansa Maheshwari's user avatar
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How to tune a Catboost Regressor

I have been trying to study about hyperparameter tuning for CatBoost regressor for my regression problem. The only issue being I can't figure out what all parameters should I tune for my use case out ...
MLlearner15's user avatar
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How to use the eval set in catboost appropriately?

Let's say you have a dataset, and you split it into 80% training and 20% testing. Naturally, you want to find the optimal hyperparameters for your model, so with the training set, you plan to do cross ...
user125720's user avatar
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Does row order impact how a CatBoost algorithm is trained?

I'm dealing with an issue where I'm unable to replicate a particular result that I had previously obtained with CatBoost, using the same dataset (but where the rows are in different order). First, I ...
WorldGov's user avatar
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How do Classification Algorithms such as Catboost and Random Forest parse test data?

I would like to know how classification works with the algorithms listed above. My specific question is this, say I have a high signal continuous feature which has a certain distribution and I train a ...
Nathan's user avatar
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