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SVC labels entire sample majority class, even after using ADASYN

I have an imbalanced sample (850 in group X vs 100 in group Y). I am trying to predict group membership using support vector classifcation. I am using 'Adaptive Synthetic' (ADASYN) to oversample the ...
Vincent's user avatar
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How to calculate accuracy of an imbalanced dataset

I like to understand what is the accuracy of an imbalanced dataset. Let's suppose we have a medical dataset and we want to predict the disease among the patients. Say, in an existing dataset 95% of ...
Encipher's user avatar
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Do I need to use AUPRC for reporting classification results on an imbalanced dataset when the model was trained using upsampling and CV

I am working on a binary classification problem which dataset has about 5% of positive class samples. I split the dataset, 70% for training and 30% for testing. I used the test data only once for ...
Paul's user avatar
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How to effectively evaluate a model with highly imbalanced and limited dataset

Most data imbalance questions on this stack have been asking How to learn a better model, but I tend to think one other problem is How do we define "better" (i.e. fairly evaluate the learned ...
jasperhyp's user avatar
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Give more weight to features based on distribution plot

I have a task to predict a binary variable purchase, their dataset is strongly imbalanced (10:100) and the models I have tried so far (mostly ensemble) fail. In ...
robsanna's user avatar
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What does IBA mean in imblearn classification report?

imblearn is a python library for handling imbalanced data. A code for generating classification report is given below. ...
codeczar's user avatar
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Cross validation schema for imbalanced dataset

Based on a previous post, I understand the need to ensure that the validation folds during the CV process have the same imbalanced distribution as the original dataset when training a binary ...
thereandhere1's user avatar
11 votes
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For imbalanced classification, should the validation dataset be balanced?

I am building a binary classification model for imbalanced data (e.g., 90% Pos class vs 10% Neg Class). I already balanced my training dataset to reflect a a 50/50 class split, while my holdout (...
thereandhere1's user avatar
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The most informative curve for imbalance datasets

For the imbalanced datasets: Can we say the Precision-Recall curve is more informative, thus accurate, than ROC curve? Can we rely on F1-score to evaluate the skillfulness of the resulted model in ...
Dave's user avatar
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Why is oversampling outperforming class weight?

I have a dataset that is highly imbalanced. One class has 412 (class 0) samples while the other has 67215 (class 1) samples. For its classification, I am using MLP. When I use class weight of 165 for ...
girl101's user avatar
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Preferred approaches for imbalanced data

I am building a binary classification model with imbalanced target variable (13% Class 1 vs 87% class 0). I am considering the following three options to handle the data imbalance Option1: Create a ...
thereandhere1's user avatar
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How to find whether a dataset is blanced or imbalanced?

I have few dataset to experiment classification(Multi-class). These datasets are about 400GB. I wanted to know whether the dataset is balanced or imbalanced. How to know that dataset is balance or ...
Data Bee's user avatar
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How to Split And Resample Imbalanced Dataset Into Train, Validation and Test

I want to understand how to split the imbalanced data set with a binary target variable where 87% of the samples are negative and 13% of the samples are positive. Now, I know that you should always ...
Krishnang K Dalal's user avatar
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A robust metric in the presence of class imbalance

When evaluating the performance of a multiclass classification problem, on a highly imbalanced dataset, what is the most robust metric for this purpose? I read a paper that states: "Average ...
Sarah's user avatar
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Dealing with the test set of imbalanced data

I am working on a problem dealing with unbalanced data that has a very specific request. I would like to know the following: When I have an imbalanced dataset and I do train test split, the test ...
tsumaranaina's user avatar