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Movement in cohorts

I am working on a user sales data which gets updated week over week. Based on the sales done in each week, the user is categorized in segment A, B or C. This means size of each segment could change ...
Sham's user avatar
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Which model to use for multitarget classification with strong class imbalance and many categorical variables?

I have a small dataset 79 observations in 21 variables. Almost all the variables are categorical variables in the format yes/no or 1/2/3. I would like to predict jointly three of these variables ...
Alberto De Benedittis's user avatar
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The paradox of Imbalanced binary classification ¿To do something or to do nothing?

Context: Suppose we are interested in deploy a machine learning model to solve a problem of binary classification; furthermore, assume that the dataset $\mathcal{D}$ for the training of our model ...
Ramiro Hum-Sah's user avatar
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Some questions about supervised learning, model evaluation and preprocessing [closed]

I've been trying to employ some basic techniques of supervised learning on a dataset that I have and I have several questions about the overall procedure (i.e. data preprocessing, model evaluation etc)...
ChrisNick92's user avatar
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Which classification algorithms are negatively affected by class imbalances?

I've seen a few posts and papers floating around the web (mostly those related to over/undersampling, SMOTE, and cost-sensitive training) that, when discussing class imbalance, specify that certain ...
Danny David Leybzon's user avatar
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What are some possible reasons that your multiclass classifier is classifying alll the classes in a single class?

I have unbalanced classes. Group1 N = 140 Group2 N = 35 Group3 N = 30 I ran the code on this data and all the Groups got classified as Group1. I thought that since group1 is the majority group this ...
tsumaranaina's user avatar
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What is the best way to deal with imbalanced data for XGBoost? [closed]

There are a lot of way to deal with class-imbalanced data like undersampling, oversampling, changing cost function etc.
Krithi07's user avatar
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How to deal with classification problem where labels are non uniformly distributed?

I have a data set which has around 1000 samples and are divided in 4 groups - A, B ,C , D. The problem I am facing is that there are very high number of data sample which have B and C s output. They ...
Aditya Kumar Gupta's user avatar