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Questions tagged [colab]

Google Colab is an online browser based python notebook/execution environment similar to Jupyter Notebooks.

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Sharing Google Colab Notebook with Kaggle Dataset

What’s the best way of sharing a colab notebook that requires a kaggle dataset? Should I download the Kaggle data to Google drive then share the notebook and the drive file? Or should I use the Kaggle ...
oweydd's user avatar
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Cannot change ownership of elasticsearch directory in colab

I was trying to install elastic search in Google Colab (following this article -, and it seems ...
CS8867's user avatar
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how to init conda in google colab?

I have installed Conda in Google Collaboratory using the condacolab package. I've also installed the packages from the environment.yml file. However I still get an error when importing any of the ...
Mah Neh's user avatar
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Colab file errors

and thank you to whoever answers this. I'm pretty new to data science and machine learning, and I've been trying to immerse myself in it. I feel like there's so much to learn. One of the things that's ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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Utilizing Colab's GPU/TPU to Speed Up General Python Code not just data science code

I am new to using Colab and trying to speed up my code by utilizing the GPU/TPU runtimes. I have a block of plain Python code without any data science libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch. I was able ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Locating when working on Colab

I have faced an error while working with langchain on colab. There is a post on github which recommends changing some configurations in ...
IwillLearn's user avatar
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Multiprocessing data loading in colab

I want to convert mozilla common voice dataset from mp3 to wav. But this dataset is large and convertion takes many time. How can I make this convertion in colab with multiprocessing to decrease time ...
randomuser228's user avatar
2 votes
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Which desktop hardware is best for DL?

I will be building my home Deep Learning workstation. Right now, I'm digging for some time about the best HW to use for home conditions. The workstation will be used for my work as a developer, but I ...
Jaroslav Štreit's user avatar
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How to use function from other Colab file?

I’m coming from a math background and learning some data science. I am very new to some details of this stuff. Working with colab, I’m trying to organize my sample simulating functions in such a way ...
Paul's user avatar
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Getting error "Failed to find data adapter that can handle input" even after converting list to array

I am getting this error : ValueError: Failed to find data adapter that can handle input' I even changed the list to arrays but still the error keeps pooping up. This is the code: ...
Hemangi khatri's user avatar
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Linear regression not converging

I'm trying to implement the simplest possible machine learning algorithm which is linear regression. But I'm having trouble because the loss function is not converging. Please can you look at my ...
yishairasowsky's user avatar
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How to automatically save images from colab to gdrive in seperate folders whose name are as same as the labels of the respective images?

I have a total of 30k images. They are distributed among 32 classes. I want to save these images from google colab to my drive with folder names as their label name. Can it be possible by python code? ...
XYZ's user avatar
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Orange Data Mining Tool on Google Colab

Is it possible to use Orange Data Mining Tool on Google Colab?
csp1po's user avatar
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Google Colab outputs disappears right after is shown

I haven't been able to solve this problem. From a few days ago my colab notebooks outputs are malfunctioning: the outputs appear after the execution of the cell but dissapear inmediately. If I click ...
0 votes
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Colab Pro+ CNN GPU memory saturation

I have a problem when executing jupyter notebook for CNN in colab pro+, to train a model with a size of 560664x48x48x1. normally the data is composed of images with a size of 48x48. I used 10 fold ...
user1655410's user avatar
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Any alternative to Google Colab?

I have to train vgg16 from scratch on a digit dataset as my college project. I require more computational power. Can anyone suggest to me how can I do that other than Google Colab? Currently, it is ...
MrRobot9's user avatar
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Colab variable inspector stops working after importing from fastbook

As best as I could find, this question was not asked before. I'm using colab, and I use its variable inspector. I'm trying to do the FastAI exercices, and I noticed that when doing them, the variable ...
Lior's user avatar
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Best way to get data into Colab Notebook

I am working concurrently with multiple very large datasets (10s-100s of GBs)). I signed up for Colab Pro+ thinking it is the best option. However, I face a significant bottleneck in getting data into ...
DankMasterDan's user avatar
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How to drop the previous rows of a database based on a matching value in a column?

So I am currently trying to sort through a data frame containing attribute classes and values of teams. However, my data has multiple rows of different classes and values of the same Team ID/Attribute ...
DaddyMuffin's user avatar
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mBART training "CUDA out of memory"

I want to train a network with mBART model in google colab , but I got the message of ...
AFB's user avatar
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How to save the history epochs and plots in files from keras models

I have a question, that maybe is very simple, but I can't do it: I have 3 neural networks which are trained with 100 epochs, and I need to save all the history's train displayed at the end in a .txt ...
megasaw's user avatar
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Machine Learning A-Z: Help connecting with datasets

I'm in Machine Learning A-Z lecture 19 where we access our first dataset. I've connected to the Google Colab folder in my gmail account, but when I try to access the the file I get the below error ...
myfinanceprofessor's user avatar
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How to read .pb file using Google Colab? [closed]

I would like to know how we can see/load/read a .pb file in Google Colab? Thank you.
Lucifer's user avatar
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Automate downloading datasets via Colab

My desktop computer recently broke, and I'm currently working on a small laptop with barely 500mb of space left. I need to download about 100gb of files from the DFAUST dataset. I was wondering if ...
Jerome Ariola's user avatar
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Keras: Very high loss for Autoencoder

I am trying to implement an autoencoder for prediction of multiple labels using Keras. This is a snippet: ...
Animeartist's user avatar
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Alternatives with better GPU than Google Colab Pro

I am currently running/training MAchine learning models that are very GPU expensive, Google Colab Pro is not giving me enough GPU/RAM Is there any alternatives with better GPU and more RAM than ...
The Dan's user avatar
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Loading pretrained model with Pytorch

I saved my model with this code: from google.colab import files, 'model.pth') # download checkpoint file'model.pth') Then uploaded ...
Adolf Miszka's user avatar
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M1 MacBooks versus Google Colab

I am just starting getting into deep learning with tf.keras. I am at the point where I have to decide where I want to develop. The thesis project will be timeseries ...
ManuelSchneid3r's user avatar
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Notebook for data science

I'm searching for an online Jupiter notebook environment that allows collaborating in real-time. I've found that I've choice from two services and DataLore by JetBrains. I have little ...
Igor Igor's user avatar
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Audio not saving in google colab [closed]

Muhammad Waqar Anwar's user avatar
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Python: SARIMAX Model Fits too slow

I have a time series data with the date and temperature records of a city. Following are my observations from the time series ...
Subhawna's user avatar
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How to use inverse_transform in MinMaxScaler for pred answer in a matrix

I am working on a data, for preding output, I used SVR by bellow code: ...
ramin's user avatar
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How many images can be trained in Google Colab? [closed]

I am using the ResNet50 pretrained model to train my images using TensorFlow. I have 70k images and upgraded to Google Colab Pro, but still I am facing a memory error. So how many images I can train ...
Bala venkatesh's user avatar
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How to import large datasets into Google Colab?

Does anyone know a (free) method for importing large datasets into Google Colab, of multiple GB? Github is severely limited, uploading a folder to google drive takes a long time.
Finn Williams's user avatar
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NLP: what are the advantages of using a subword tokenizer as opposed to the standard word tokenizer?

I'm looking at this Tensorflow colab tutorial about language translation with Transformers,, and they tokenize the words with a subword text ...
zipline86's user avatar
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Kaggle notebook Vs Google Colab

What are the major differences between Kaggle notebook and Google Colab notebook? To work on a dataset my first step is to start a Kaggle notebook but then I cant help thinking what could be the ...
ashraf's user avatar
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Google Colab conda packages permanently installation

I want to install some conda packages on Google Colab. Installation done successfully, but it wont detect it when we restart the new Colab session. I followed the link "#
vipin bansal's user avatar
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What is the efficient way to use apply method in column of pandas Dataframe for large dataset?

I have a dataset of approximate 1 hundred thousand records. I want to use apply method in each of the records for further data processing but it takes very long time to process (As apply method works ...
Sweety's user avatar
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Downloading a large dataset in google colaboratory

I have a link of a dataset, it is 22 gig but in the collab, there is just 32 gig free disk space. The data is in the zip file and after unzipping collab show crash massage. How can I solve this ...
melek's user avatar
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setting class weights for imbalanced dataset in tensorflow [closed]

I have 24 classes in my dataset and I am trying to set class weights in the following way: ...
user1723583's user avatar
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Colab can not connect to GPU from a python file [closed]

I am trying to run a github deep learning repository in Colab but I can not connect the python files to colab GPU. I can connect to GPU when writing a script in the colab notebook e.g. when I run ...
Ibraheem's user avatar
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ValueError: Error when checking input: expected conv2d_25_input to have shape (144, 256, 3) but got array with shape (256, 144, 3)

I have built a CNN with images of size 720 (height) and 1280 (width). I attempt to re scale images to 144x256. However, I receive this error: ...
Finn Williams's user avatar
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Using Images uploaded in google drive in Colab

Does anyone know how to use already uploaded images in Google Drive to colaboratory for creating a trainloader? I'm creating the trainloader and model in Pytorch
salome's user avatar
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What interactive graph package do you use for timeseries data?

I have millions of sensor readings taken over time. I'd like to create an interactive plot in Google colab where I can easily zoom in on sections. I've done something similar with the Plotly package....
user1255603's user avatar
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how to resolve this error in Tesseract : (2, 'Usage: pytesseract [-l lang] input_file') [closed]

pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r'/usr/local/bin/pytesseract' img ="/content/drive/My Drive/abc.jpg") print(pytesseract.image_to_string(img)) ...
star's user avatar
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How do I download a Google Colab notebook?

I have to download code written in a Google Colab notebook, because I need to send it via email. How do I do this?
J.D.'s user avatar
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Where do I find the .csv file for the submission after creating it?

I am making a submission of a classificaition problem with CNN on Google Colab. So I have arrived at doing this: subm.to_csv('submission.csv', index=False) so in ...
J.D.'s user avatar
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How to automatically mount my Google Drive to Google Colab

I have recently discovered Google Colab and I am wondering if there is an option to permanently authorize Google Colab to access and mount my Google Drive. ...
Georgi Stoyanov's user avatar
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How to save dynamic files from colab to Google Drive?

I have processed some png images on Colab and saved them in the Colab Directory. Now I want to save these images from Colab to Google Drive. How can I do this?
Muneeba Shamas's user avatar
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Problem importing dataset in zip format

I am trying to import a image dataset in Google Colab in order to do image classification. The dataset is in my Google drive, so I do the following: ...
J.D.'s user avatar
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