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Colab Pro+ CNN GPU memory saturation

I have a problem when executing jupyter notebook for CNN in colab pro+, to train a model with a size of 560664x48x48x1. normally the data is composed of images with a size of 48x48. I used 10 fold ...
user1655410's user avatar
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How to save the history epochs and plots in files from keras models

I have a question, that maybe is very simple, but I can't do it: I have 3 neural networks which are trained with 100 epochs, and I need to save all the history's train displayed at the end in a .txt ...
megasaw's user avatar
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Keras: Very high loss for Autoencoder

I am trying to implement an autoencoder for prediction of multiple labels using Keras. This is a snippet: ...
Animeartist's user avatar
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How many images can be trained in Google Colab? [closed]

I am using the ResNet50 pretrained model to train my images using TensorFlow. I have 70k images and upgraded to Google Colab Pro, but still I am facing a memory error. So how many images I can train ...
Bala venkatesh's user avatar
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setting class weights for imbalanced dataset in tensorflow [closed]

I have 24 classes in my dataset and I am trying to set class weights in the following way: ...
user1723583's user avatar
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ValueError: Error when checking input: expected conv2d_25_input to have shape (144, 256, 3) but got array with shape (256, 144, 3)

I have built a CNN with images of size 720 (height) and 1280 (width). I attempt to re scale images to 144x256. However, I receive this error: ...
Finn Williams's user avatar
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why evaluate_generator accuracy too much by using flow_from_directory with shuffle true?

i am using tensorflow and keras on colab i train with shuffled data but i met this strange accuracy with evaluate_generator with my training set that has 95% acc if i did not shuffle my data with ...
Mohamed Abo AL Kear's user avatar
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How reproducible should CNN models be? [closed]

I want to train several CNN architectures with Google Colab (GPU), Keras and Tensorflow. Since the trained models are not reproducible due to GPU support, I would like to train the models several ...
Code Now's user avatar
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keras UserWarning: The input 1303 could not be retrieved. It could be because a worker has died

I am trying to train an autoencoder CNN on Google Colab using keras. I have mounted my Google Drive which contains all training data. The training uses six workers and the data is loaded by the ...
theblackips's user avatar
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2 answers

I am getting different mean_absolute_error when i retrain my model everything same

I have set my numpy random seed to 0. I am training on colab and using keras. I didn't change anything. I just re-ran my cell and the val_absolute_error changed. Code: ...
Kumar Shivendu's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Very Fast Training After First Epoch

I trained an InceptionV3 model using plant images. I used Keras library. When training was started, first epoch took 29s per step and then other steps took approximately 530ms per step. So that made ...
tkarahan's user avatar
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