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How to calculate Average Precision for Image Segmentation?

If I've understood things correctly, when calculating AP for Object Detection (e.g. VOC, COCO etc) the procedure is: collect up all the detected objects in your dataset sort the detections by their ...
craq's user avatar
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Why are axes-aligned bounding boxes used in object detection

I understand (I think) why in object detection, the result is a rectangle: it is a simple shape that can be defined by 4 variables (2 pairs coords of opposite corners or 1 pair of coords + width and ...
Jan Pisl's user avatar
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What is the "fast version" of ZFNet referenced in SPPNet and Faster R-CNN papers?

I'm reading old papers: SPPNet: Link Faster R-CNN: Link In both cases, the authors refer to a "fast version of Zeiler and Fergus (ZF) Net"; specifically: In SPPNet: ZF-5: this ...
Papemax89's user avatar
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Classification: ClassA vs. "everything else"

I am trying to create a neural network for recognizing a particular object. Maybe I am approaching this task from the wrong side, but, in my mind, this task boils down to teaching the network to do a ...
Dmytro Titov's user avatar