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Questions tagged [confidence]

17 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to compare 55 models using AUC bootstrap confidence intervals?

I want to check if there is a difference in the confidence intervals of 55 models and select just one model. What should I do?
JAE's user avatar
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Correctness of derivation for binary F1 variance for F1 confidence intervals

I'm developing a python library for confidence intervals for common accuracy metrics, with both analytic and bootstrap computations. Following this paper, I implemented the Macro and Micro F1 scores ...
Jacob G's user avatar
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Is there a way to quantify uncertainty in classification?

I'm thinking of a way to build an extension to a binary classifier (actually I will get the output probabilities like in logistic regression, so technically you should call this regression) that ...
Tom's user avatar
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Evaluate Dendrogram Statistical Significance

I have N=21 objects and each one has about 80 possible not NaN descriptors. I carried out a hierarchical clustering on the objects and I obtained this dendrogram. I want some kind of 'confidence' ...
Mirko's user avatar
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Plotting confidence intervals

For the following dataframe, I am trying to plot the means of a sample of 5 random rows . And also plot their respective confidence intervals using errorbars. I am unable to figure how to plot the ...
freshman_2021's user avatar
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Confidence in the rewards for a RL task

For a RL task that I am trying to solve, for which I train once per day, I have the rewards stored for each of those days, so that I can see the progress on daily basis. In the beginning of the ...
ilirosmanaj's user avatar
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How to judge the model's confidence in Learning-To-Rank (LTR)?

Recently I have been working on Learning-To-Rank model. I think it's very useful for my purpose, but how can we extract information regarding its confidence and accuracy? Specifically, I am using the ...
PF Chang's user avatar
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How to adjust classification totals based on known bias of estimator

Let's say I have a dataset, $D$, with known ground truth labels. I nonetheless use a few-shot LLM classifier on this dataset to predict $k$ classes for each label. From the LLM results, I get ...
Learning stats by example's user avatar
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What's a suitable error metric for quantifying uncertainty in future projections using a model ensemble?

Rather than just providing a mean projection, I'm looking to provide a likely range of projections using output from 9 models. Each dataset consists of spatial maximum probability values [0,1] for a ...
liveFreeOrπHard's user avatar
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Estimate confidence interval of a cubic B-spline fit

I have a non-linear system. I apply multiple inputs x(t) (t=time) and measure each response y(t). In other words, I have inputs x1(t), x2(t), x3(t), xn(t) and I measure y1(t), y2(t), y3(t), yn(t) for ...
JrV's user avatar
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Calculating prediction confidence from a sequence of token-level confidences

I am working with OCSR (optical chemical structure recognition) models, and they output a sequence of token-level confidences. I am looking for a method of summarising these token-level confidences ...
finlay morrison's user avatar
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Computing empirical coverage in binary classification confidence estimation

I am trying to compute confidence interval empirical coverage. I have computed the confidence intervals for binary probability predictions. For example, the model estimates that there is probability ...
Tiago Melo's user avatar
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How to compute confidence interval xgboost regressor?

I have time series data to predict values for the next 6 months. I have an xgboost model that predicts the six individual months, for the business what is important is that the cumulative value of ...
tailsrockc's user avatar
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Understanding the code for calculating the 95% confidence interval of AUC using bootstrapping

It's really embarrassing, but I lack statistical knowledge. I would like to find the confidence interval for AUC at 95%. Actually, I got the code from here(
JAE's user avatar
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How to find confidence sets for a bunch of regression functions?

Unlike confidence intervals where we are interested in indicating a range of beta values in which the true parameter lies 95% of all times, I would like to understand how confidence sets are ...
TFT's user avatar
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Statistical significance in multiple groups

What is the most appropriate test to validate significance in the case I'm comparing multiple different groups? e.g. I have different groups of ages (teenager, young, adult, elderly) and a conversion ...
simon's user avatar
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Narrow confidence Interval of forecast

I am new to data science so please accept my apology in advance. I am trying to predict the value using ARIMA. I have got weekly value for the current year. Based on the available weekly values, I ...
user2293224's user avatar