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Data augmentation technique not working correctly

Write a function that can shift an MNIST image in any direction (left, right, up, or down) by one pixel.⁠6 Then, for each image in the training set, create four shifted copies (one per direction) and ...
samsamradas's user avatar
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How to perform a classification experiment with data augmentation?

I'm working on an audio classification experiment. In my original database, I have 1,412 records. To improve the performance of my models, I resorted to data augmentation, applying simple techniques ...
Paulo Sergio Moreira's user avatar
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Does synthetic data be over sampled as well?

I'm building a binary text classifier, the ratio between the positives and negatives is 1:100 (100 / 10000). By using back translation as an augmentation, I was able to get 400 more positives. Then I ...
guestmember123456790's user avatar
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2 answers

How much data augmentation is required on an imbalanced dataset?

Imagine I have a dataset with positive and negative sentences, and I need to train a transformer (Like BERT) to do the binary classification. The problem is that there are 100 negative sentences and ...
SMMousaviSP's user avatar
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Data augmentation in deep training

I'm trying to understand the role of data augmentation and how it can affect the performance/accuracy of a deep model. My target application is a fire classification (fire or not, on video frames), ...
Mary's user avatar
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Data Augmentation techniques for classification of imbalanced time series datasets

Now I have a task to classify the imbalanced time series datasets using ML classifiers, such as Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, SVM, and KNN. I am not allowed to use the Deep Learning tools, such ...
Qi Zhang's user avatar
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What brings the performance difference in Deep Learning with different data augmentation strategies?

I am studying the performance of deep learning models toward abnormality detection in chest X-rays. Due to sparsity of data, I augment the data using different augmentation strategies including: ...
shiva's user avatar
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