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Investigating the Impact of Additive Gaussian Noise on EEG Signal Classification: Analyzing the Relationship between Augmented and Original Data

Definition: I have conducted research on EEG signal classification, specifically focusing on distinguishing between two different classes using raw EEG signals. Data availability poses a significant ...
Armin Amini's user avatar
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Which algorithm should I use for Data Augmentation of Time Sereis Data? [closed]

Can someone please recommend which Oversampling Algorithm technique should I use for time-series data set? Please share any sources or code to which I can refer. Thank You!
Kiran Maharana's user avatar
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Why we call Mix-up method is a data augmentation technique?

I am bit confused in the Mixup data augmentation technique, let me explain the problem briefly: What is Mixup For further detail you may refer to original paper . We double or quadruple the data ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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Methods to combine datasets from different time periods

Consider a multivariate time series forecasting task where I have two datasets A and B. A goes from 1960 to 2020 and B goes from 2010 to 2020. There is a feature f ...
kyc12's user avatar
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Data Augmentation techniques for classification of imbalanced time series datasets

Now I have a task to classify the imbalanced time series datasets using ML classifiers, such as Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, SVM, and KNN. I am not allowed to use the Deep Learning tools, such ...
Qi Zhang's user avatar
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Is there a disadvantage to letting a model train for a large number of epochs?

I created a model to solve a time series forecasting problem. I had a limited amount of time series with which I could train the model therefore I decided to augment the data. The data augmentation ...
Aesir's user avatar
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