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What can I do when validation data and test data has different distribution in imbalance classification?

I am building classification model for bio (scRNA) data. Datasets in this field, for example, dataset A has 1, 2 classes, dataset B has 2, 3 classes kind of that. So I integrated datasets for training ...
containletters's user avatar
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Multiclass classification (gradient boosted trees) predictions distribution using softmax()

Let's consider a multiclass problem where the target is composed by 20% class 'A', 50% of class 'B' and 30% of class 'C'. The model is trained and then the class predictions are obtained via the ...
simon's user avatar
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Non-Gaussian like distributions - Classifier of source data fails on target data

I ask you for help on a classification problem (classes are represented by the numbers 0,1 and 2). All features are extracted from time series data (fundamental is sinus shape). I have a source ...
deniz's user avatar
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[under/over]-sampling teaches model the wrong distribution?

TLDR: Will under/oversampling during the training phase teach the model the wrong distribution and adversely affect accuracy? Let us assume you want to train a classifier to differentiate between ...
Stephen Lasky's user avatar
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Text data distributions comparison

I would like to know what is the best method to compare the different text data distributions. I am working on text classification. I built a model using the old dataset. Now, I would like to know, ...
user1877600's user avatar
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How to estimate the marginal distribution of a class with respect to one predictor in a classification task?

I have a dataset with a binary dependent variable $y \in \{0,1\}$ and a set of predictors $x1,x2,..,t$. Here, $t$ is the time in minutes (in 24 hrs, that is $t \in (0,1440)$). I want to estimate the ...
Shanthan K's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

how to check the distribution of the training set and testing set are similar

I have been playing the Kaggle Competition and I find there is a situation that the distribution of the training set and testing set are different, so I am wondering how to check the distribution of ...
Bowen Peng's user avatar
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Normal distribution instead of Logistic distribution for classification

Logistic regression, based on the logistic function $\sigma(x) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-x)}$, can be seen as a hypothesis testing problem. Where the reference distribution is the standard Logistic ...
HOANG GIANG's user avatar
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Binomial family in logistic regression

I was asked in an interview why do we use the binomial distribution in logistic regression and how is it related to the class that we are predicting? Could anyone explain, without any mathematical ...
Tejas Bawaskar's user avatar
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Constructing graph of crypto financial instruments 2016-2017

Set of financial instruments represent the set of vertices of the graph. For any pair of vertices $i$ and $j$, an edge connecting them is added to the graph if the corresponding correlation ...
Saransh Sharma's user avatar
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Shifted feature distribution across different datasets

I am trying to validate a classifier using two different training and testing datasets. The feature I am considering is a feature constructed doing the fold-change between two original features, i.e. ...
gc5's user avatar
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