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How does seeing training batches only once influence the generalization of a neural network?

I am referring to this question/scenario Train neural network with unlimited training data but unfortunately I can not comment. As I am not seeing any training batch multiple times I would guess that ...
ZenDen's user avatar
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How are the mini-batches performance used to obtain the overall accuracy in ML packages?

For the sake of exemplification, let us consider the the time series convolutional neural network (CNN) classifier from the sktime (this question can be applied for ...
Rubem Pacelli's user avatar
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Should I need to cure the curve for the model?

I have several classification models that used for image classification. The epochs is set to 100 for both. Model A gave me accuracy 99.7 and stopped at epoch 100 but Model B gave me 99.93 but take ...
user5520049's user avatar
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Epochs for new batch when online training?

I am online training a RNN with fixed batch size k on a time series. Initially I train my model with n batches and a number of e epochs. When a new batch n+1 is available, I would like to update the ...
Marx's user avatar
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Overfitting followed by well-fitting with large number of epochs

A few months ago I found an article it was explaining that some experiments had shown some networks would start well-fitting after overfitting happened in higher epochs. e.g. overfitting starts at ...
Ali Ent's user avatar
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Proof that averaging weights is equal to averaging gradients (FedSGD vs FedAvg)

The first paper of Federated Learning "Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data" presents FedSGD and FedAvg. In Federated Learning the learning task is ...
CasellaJr's user avatar
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Is 500 epochs too much for a CNN project?

I am working on a project where I need to train a model with a data set of 250 images. My epochs count is 500. Is that too much? Will it overfit? I did this because ...
Ayush Kumar's user avatar
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how can i set learning rate for big data?

will it need more epochs for training or it is not a necessary and what is the learning rate I should set for this data with optimizer adam?
sam's user avatar
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Is fitting a model in a for loop equivalent to using epochs>1?

I'm using tensorflow to train a network to do an image segmentation task, and I have a question about the behavior of between epochs, specifically: Is ...
Brionius's user avatar
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The case of (1,478) dim and parameters of neural network to find out

colleagues, actually I am kind'a new to NN, but hard trying.. I have data: Index: 40073 entries (excluded from training, UID) Columns: 484 entries dtypes: bool(468), float64(2), int64(13), object(1) I ...
Gleb Karpushkin's user avatar
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Are less training epochs better in the following scenario

So I have a scenario in which the training data is being generated in response to what the Neural Network backed actor is doing. In essence its giving feedback to the Neural Network based on all of ...
John Sohn's user avatar
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Which is meant by +/-9.2e18 years in timespan?

I was able to convert the 9.2e18 AD to a date, but I am confused about the exact date. Which date is 9.2e18 AD and and 9.2e18 BC? Time span (absolute) - [9.2e18 BC, 9.2e18 AD] i.e +/- 9.2e18 years ...
Rinshan Kolayil's user avatar
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How can I choose num of epochs and batch size?

I have the coco 2014 dataset and need to train it as training is around 82700 and testing is 40500. However, I got the same sentence with different values every time with ...
user5520049's user avatar
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How does epochs related with converging the model?

I have read on Internet that epochs is used to give the time for the model to converge but I don't know how ? . I was thinking that epochs is used because to train the model sufficient times . How ...
Hamza's user avatar
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How many epochs should all the data be trained on after training with validation finds when validation and training diverge?

One uses and train/test split to use their training data to get an idea of how many epochs to train with. If the validation accuracy starts going down while the training accuracy is still going up, ...
user14094230's user avatar
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Implementing Connectivity: "IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 3-dimensional, but 4 were indexed"

I am trying to implement connectivity as a feature within my code, but am unsure of how to fix this error code. Here is my code up until the point of the error. ...
Joe's user avatar
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How to specify steps_per_epoch and validation steps on infinite dataset?

I have a huge csv dataset with a size of 200 GB. I'm using CsvDataset to make dataset generator for loading data from the disk while training the model. I want all the data to be passed on each epoch. ...
DevLoverUmar's user avatar
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How to interpret this Plot of Model Loss from a BiLSTM model?

Hi everyone, the above graph is produced by a BiLSTM model i just trained and tested. I can't seem to interpret it while it is very different from the references that i acquired by googling online. ...
yts61's user avatar
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How to train the model with for loop instead of the built-in epochs

i want to use a for loop for epochs instead of the built-in ones. Does these parts are similar. 1) ...
phillipe cauchett's user avatar
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Scikit learn linear regression - learning rate and epoch adjustment

I am trying to learn linear regression using ordinary least squares and gradient descent from scratch. I read the documentation for the Scikit learn function and I do not see a means to adjust the ...
chrisper's user avatar
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Does training of neural networks follow the same order in each epoch?

Each epoch uses the weight from the end of the previous epoch(correct me if I am wrong). Is the updating of parameters after each batch always in the same order? To rephrase, are the batches always in ...
Borut Flis's user avatar
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Opinions on an LSTM hyper-parameter tuning process I am using

I am training an LSTM to predict a price chart. I am using Bayesian optimization to speed things slightly since I have a large number of hyperparameters and only my CPU as a resource. Making 100 ...
user134132523's user avatar
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Are weights of a neural network reset between epochs?

If an epoch is defined as the neural network training process after seeing the whole training data once. How is it that when starting the next epoch, the loss is almost always smaller than the first ...
user134132523's user avatar
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'loss: nan' during training of Neural Network in python

I am training a neural network in python. But the accuracy is very low. ...
thenoirlatte's user avatar
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How can I tune LSTM hyperparameters?

If anyone is there to answer these, that'll be great. I'm in the midst of a Final Year Project on LSTM. Currently, I’m stuck and confused over LSTM codes. There are 4 hyperparameters that I can play ...
Marcus's user avatar
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Epochs or Loss Convergence

I was training a Deep Neural Network using transfer learning and the loss value as of now is close to 1.7. I am using a dataset of 31,000 images and I do apply data augmentation techniques to help the ...
Aditya Mangalampalli's user avatar
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How to combine GridSearchCV with Early Stopping?

I'm a beginner in machine learning and want to train a CNN (for image recognition) with optimized hyperparameter like dropout rate, learning rate and number of epochs. The optimal hyperparameter I ...
Code Now's user avatar
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How would keras model learn at every epoch?

I know concept of Epochs, batch size and iteration. let's say, Total_data = 6400 Batch_size = 64 Iteration = 100 In this, basically we are taking in 64 data points to computer memory and ...
S. Jay's user avatar
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How to get the number of steps until a certain accuracy in keras?

I want to see how many steps does it take for my model to reach a certain accuracy.Say 90 percent on cifar10.How can I get this info from the keras model ? EDIT: accuracy in each epoch is accessible ...
Moeinh77's user avatar
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How to find learning rate decay?

Given the number of epochs, batch size and learning rate, is there a formula by which I can calculate the learning rate decay in mini batch SGD?
yamini goel's user avatar
37 votes
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What to set in steps_per_epoch in Keras' fit_generator?

I am replicating, in Keras, the work of a paper where I know the values of epoch and batch_size. Since the dataset is quite ...
yamini goel's user avatar
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what exactly happens during each epoch in neural network training

Across different epochs, which of the following is/are updated? initial weights (initial ConvNet filter matrices, initial fully connected weights) hyper parameters: number of ConvNet filters, size ...
feynman's user avatar
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Difference between "reducing batch_size" and "increasing epochs" to decrease loss amount?

In my experience, both reducing batch_size and increasing epochs can decrease loss amount. But I like to know is there any ...
user3486308's user avatar
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What is the difference? "Adding more LSTM layers" or "Increasing epochs"?

To get more accurate results which one is better? Adding more layers or increasing number of epochs? I like to know the difference between effects of these two approaches?
user3486308's user avatar
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Computing number of batches in one epoch

I have been reading through Stanford's code examples for their Deep Learning course, and I see that they have computed ...
Henry's user avatar
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Why Epochs take longer as learning proceeds?

I am training a deep learning model in Tensorflow on GPU (Amazon AWS) and what I observe is that in the beginning each epoch ...
Soyol's user avatar
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Keras Fit Generator Function

I want to know if my thinking is correct? Total Images = 120,000 So in the Keras Fit Generator function, I made the batch_size = 24 and steps per epoch = 500 ,which is 12000 and only one-tenth of ...
Son kun's user avatar
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How to interpret a drastic accuracy loss while training a neuronal net (CNN)?

How can one interpret a drastic accuracy loss after ~38 epochs? Maybe more dropout should be added to the CNN network? (x-axis shows the number of epochs)
Predicted Life's user avatar
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Early stopping and final Loss or weights of models

In a deep model, I used the Early stopping technique as below in Keras: ...
user7194905's user avatar
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What is the logic of the epoch?

What is the logic of the epoch? For example, 1 time, 2 times, etc. I just do not know what else is working to give better results than I know.
Developer's user avatar
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Is it better to optimize hyperparameters or run multiple epochs?

Whenever I train a neural network I only have it go through a few epochs ( 1 to 3). This is because I am training them on a bad CPU and it would take some time to have the neural network go though ...
J Houseman's user avatar
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How to determine the number of forward and backward passes in deep learning (CNN)? [closed]

Is there a way to determine the number of forward and backward passes in the training of a neural network using python?
N.IT's user avatar
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