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2 votes
2 answers

Opinions on an LSTM hyper-parameter tuning process I am using

I am training an LSTM to predict a price chart. I am using Bayesian optimization to speed things slightly since I have a large number of hyperparameters and only my CPU as a resource. Making 100 ...
user134132523's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I tune LSTM hyperparameters?

If anyone is there to answer these, that'll be great. I'm in the midst of a Final Year Project on LSTM. Currently, I’m stuck and confused over LSTM codes. There are 4 hyperparameters that I can play ...
Marcus's user avatar
  • 21
9 votes
3 answers

How to combine GridSearchCV with Early Stopping?

I'm a beginner in machine learning and want to train a CNN (for image recognition) with optimized hyperparameter like dropout rate, learning rate and number of epochs. The optimal hyperparameter I ...
Code Now's user avatar
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what exactly happens during each epoch in neural network training

Across different epochs, which of the following is/are updated? initial weights (initial ConvNet filter matrices, initial fully connected weights) hyper parameters: number of ConvNet filters, size ...
feynman's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Is it better to optimize hyperparameters or run multiple epochs?

Whenever I train a neural network I only have it go through a few epochs ( 1 to 3). This is because I am training them on a bad CPU and it would take some time to have the neural network go though ...
J Houseman's user avatar