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How does seeing training batches only once influence the generalization of a neural network?

I am referring to this question/scenario Train neural network with unlimited training data but unfortunately I can not comment. As I am not seeing any training batch multiple times I would guess that ...
ZenDen's user avatar
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Is 500 epochs too much for a CNN project?

I am working on a project where I need to train a model with a data set of 250 images. My epochs count is 500. Is that too much? Will it overfit? I did this because ...
Ayush Kumar's user avatar
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How to specify steps_per_epoch and validation steps on infinite dataset?

I have a huge csv dataset with a size of 200 GB. I'm using CsvDataset to make dataset generator for loading data from the disk while training the model. I want all the data to be passed on each epoch. ...
DevLoverUmar's user avatar
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Early stopping and final Loss or weights of models

In a deep model, I used the Early stopping technique as below in Keras: ...
user7194905's user avatar
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What is the logic of the epoch?

What is the logic of the epoch? For example, 1 time, 2 times, etc. I just do not know what else is working to give better results than I know.
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