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How does seeing training batches only once influence the generalization of a neural network?

I am referring to this question/scenario Train neural network with unlimited training data but unfortunately I can not comment. As I am not seeing any training batch multiple times I would guess that ...
ZenDen's user avatar
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Should I need to cure the curve for the model?

I have several classification models that used for image classification. The epochs is set to 100 for both. Model A gave me accuracy 99.7 and stopped at epoch 100 but Model B gave me 99.93 but take ...
user5520049's user avatar
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how can i set learning rate for big data?

will it need more epochs for training or it is not a necessary and what is the learning rate I should set for this data with optimizer adam?
sam's user avatar
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Are less training epochs better in the following scenario

So I have a scenario in which the training data is being generated in response to what the Neural Network backed actor is doing. In essence its giving feedback to the Neural Network based on all of ...
John Sohn's user avatar
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How can I choose num of epochs and batch size?

I have the coco 2014 dataset and need to train it as training is around 82700 and testing is 40500. However, I got the same sentence with different values every time with ...
user5520049's user avatar
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How many epochs should all the data be trained on after training with validation finds when validation and training diverge?

One uses and train/test split to use their training data to get an idea of how many epochs to train with. If the validation accuracy starts going down while the training accuracy is still going up, ...
user14094230's user avatar
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Are weights of a neural network reset between epochs?

If an epoch is defined as the neural network training process after seeing the whole training data once. How is it that when starting the next epoch, the loss is almost always smaller than the first ...
user134132523's user avatar
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'loss: nan' during training of Neural Network in python

I am training a neural network in python. But the accuracy is very low. ...
thenoirlatte's user avatar
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Computing number of batches in one epoch

I have been reading through Stanford's code examples for their Deep Learning course, and I see that they have computed ...
Henry's user avatar
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How to determine the number of forward and backward passes in deep learning (CNN)? [closed]

Is there a way to determine the number of forward and backward passes in the training of a neural network using python?
N.IT's user avatar
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