Questions tagged [error-handling]

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Model improvement

Whenever I try to solve some ML problem I get stuck on the first model I choose. I understand the bias-variance tradeoff, but I think it is not the only way to debug a model. Are there any tools to ...
DimitrijeCiric's user avatar
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Executing error_handler() during NN prediction

I am taking the course: Sequences, Time Series and Prediction. In this notebook we train for the first time a single layer neural network, and I see at the bottom line: executing ...
Cohensius's user avatar
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How to explain my standard error of my ANN prediction

I have a question on how to satisfactorily explain the standard error of my ANN model. For background, I have an ANN model that predicts protein post translational modifications based on their GC-MS ...
hypermiler3's user avatar
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Error handling in orange python script

Is there any workaround for error handling using python script in Orange? I'm creating a python script module that only receive one column from in_data. If there are more than one column exists in the ...
Dezar Zulkarnain's user avatar
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How to solve MemoryError problem?

I have audio signals which I need to convert them to melspectrogram. I am using Deepfilternet to remove background noise. when I use the output of Deepfilternet for next phase like padding, it showed ...
Zara Nz's user avatar
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How to use Keras Sequential with LocallyConnected layers

enter image description here I am trying to use locally connected neural networks to estimate finite elements of a mathematical function, using the Keras Sequential model. When I use dense layers all ...
KingMe's user avatar
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ValueError: Input 0 of layer "model_12" is incompatible with the layer: expected shape=(None, 256, 256, 3), found shape=(256, 256, 3)

I am following this keras example with my own dataset, which has 3 classes. I load the images using ...
Javi's user avatar
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Searching for the right Model any suggestion?

I have an events dataset that includes information about devices such as Connection time Errors details Brand Regions Software version... (categorical data) And I want to predict errors and their ...
linda's user avatar
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MAE divided by median metric

I have a regression task for which my best models has a Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of approximately 15,000. The median value of the target variable is approximately 150,000. I want to report that the ...
KK_o7's user avatar
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SOS: Working LightGBM model script to find best model

I have been trying to get a working LightGBM model which I can train on my data, select the best performing model with highest f1 score and then use it obtain the f1 score on the testing data. However,...
am98's user avatar
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Characterizing errors in rotation and translation while estimating camera pose from images

Has anyone characterized the errors in rotation and translation while estimating camera pose of natural images using SFM or visual odometry? I mean, when estimating camera pose, what is the typical ...
Nagabhushan S N's user avatar
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How to include the sudden peaks/bursts in LSTM based time-series model's training

I am using LSTM for time-series prediction whereby I am taking past 50 values as my input. Now, the thing is that it is predicting just OKish, and not doing the exact prediction, especially for the ...
SJa's user avatar
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Comparing RMSEs of multiple test sets having different sizes

The data I have is a time series data (stock returns), and I am training a Random Forest Regressor on it. Total observations = 2499 To better evaluate the performance, I have implemented rolling ...
Aditya Kulkarni's user avatar
2 votes
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Xgboost fit won't recognize my custom eval_metric. Why?

Do you know why my custom_eval_metric doesn't work? I get the error: ...
Gábor B's user avatar
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sklearn FutureWarning message when running a CNN model

When I run my model, I am receiving the following error message: ...
Jack's user avatar
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Why does the MAE still remain, at all?

This may seem to be a silly question. But I just wonder why the MAE doesn't reduce to values close to 0. It's the result of an MLP with 2 hidden layers and 6 neurons per hidden layer, trying to ...
Turnvater's user avatar
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ImportError: Pandas requires version '0.3.0' or newer of 's3fs' [closed]

I'm trying to read files from S3, using boto3, pandas, anaconda, but I have the following error: ...
Twwister8889's user avatar
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recognizing the correct word & "Set type is unordered"-error in python-pandas

My Data Set (CSV): ...
Jsmoka's user avatar
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What is the value of AIC criterion if RSS is 0? [closed]

The AIC formula is : $AIC = 2k + n Log(RSS/n)$ So if RSS is equal to 0, it is undefined. How do I deal with this? What value should it take?
user606273's user avatar
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Beautifulsoup find_all returns TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str [closed]

This should have an easy solution but I can't understand how to avoid it. ...
Steven's user avatar
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Python writing to Excel file: writerow() takes no keyword arguments

I have this script: ...
Steven's user avatar
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Reason of use of Product rule of Probability in Predicting Error

P(x,y) = P(y|x)P(x) Why do we use this in estimating expected prediction error? i.e. E{(y - f(x))^2} I researched and I came to know that it helps in figuring out noise but How?
Satyendra's user avatar
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Cannot clone object <keras.wrappers.scikit_learn.KerasRegressor object at 0x7fdc9c3ba550>

Trying to hypertune ANN but getting an error while using fit..(, y_train)) Below is the code ...
Ruchika Sancheti's user avatar
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Python - Logistic (Logit) Regression - why am I getting an Endog error?

I'm running the following code: ...
Nikita Rogers's user avatar
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How to make tool that's robust to user-generated typos?

Background: A client is generating datasets (excel files). They asked I make an app to analyze the datasets, e.g. summary tables and figures. I'm doing this in R shiny. Problem: There are many typos ...
R Greg Stacey's user avatar
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Operands Could not be Broadcast with Shapes (19,)(0,)

I have googled and read something similar to the problem I have but I do not seem to know how to fix the error I got from this particular code: ...
Mr Prof's user avatar
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CNN models comparison

I coded a 38 layer CNN and 8 layer CNN but there's something wrong in my 38 layer CNN, which doesn't learn anything. Not able to fugure out what's wrong. They were trained on CIFAR.
datarocker's user avatar
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Making Sense of this Error Message

I am using a book and a video to learn how to use KNN method to classify movies according to their genres.This is my code: ...
Mr Prof's user avatar
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Can an R^2, or coefficient of determination be used on non-linear data?

I have used the $R^2$ metric to determine how well my neural network performs a non-linear regression. And it seems to work. The plots look almost identical, and I get an $R^2$ value of 0.93... it ...
DeepLearner's user avatar
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MLP Parameter tuning - gridsearchCV cannot fit?

I'm making an MLP classifier for binomial classification from 145 features. I want to get the best parameters on my MLP classifier to get a better prediction so I followed the answer to this question,...
Lasmyr's user avatar
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What are good practices in reporting RMSE or MAPE estimates for a machine learning model?

I have built a regression model to estimate prices given some attributes. Prices are expressed in million USD, with average of 4.4 million USD. I need to provide an estimate of the RMSE and MAPE of ...
LifLif's user avatar
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I am getting different mean_absolute_error when i retrain my model everything same

I have set my numpy random seed to 0. I am training on colab and using keras. I didn't change anything. I just re-ran my cell and the val_absolute_error changed. Code: ...
Kumar Shivendu's user avatar
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How to create a system to detect text structure of a file?

Let's say I want to create a Machine Learning system that has a lot of log files of some few types (F1, F2,.. Fn) and I get a new Log file with maybe some errors or ...
Kartikey Singh's user avatar
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Error using imread function in matlab code

I was doing some sort of speech recognition pattern for recognition of sound but I stuck at imread error in matlab, any advice what to change in picture below you can find code and error. Code Error ...
Fareishuge's user avatar
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Importing Excel format data into R/R Studio and using glmnet package?

I have no problem importing Excel formatted data into R/R Studio and use all other R packages that I use. But, when I want to use the glmnet package to develop a regularization model, I invariably ...
Sympa's user avatar
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Should I only use scalar labels with Keras LSTM?

I have an array X_train = (1110,25,2) and a y_train = (1110,5,2). It means I use arrays with length of 25 for inputs and length ...
user3486308's user avatar
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What is the error rate for random guessing?

I am studying for my Machine Learning exam. In sample exam questions, there is a specific one that I could not understand: And the question is: "What is the error rate for random guessing?" I could ...
Ege's user avatar
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System: 1 name node, 4 cores, 16 GB RAM 1 master node, 4 cores, 16 GB RAM 6 data nodes, 4 cores, 16 GB RAM each 6 worker nodes, 4 cores, 16 GB RAM each around 5 Terabytes of storage space The data ...
dustin's user avatar
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TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'str'

I have the following code ...
TigSh's user avatar
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binary classification for counting - estimating the error on counts due to error on prediction score

Ok, so I have the following set up: I have a binary classification problem and I am classifying events into signal and background. Ultimately, I want to count how many background events and how many ...
data_claymore's user avatar
5 votes
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Training on accurate data versus noisy data

I have data currently available that is very accurate and I would like to train my classification methods on this set of clean data to learn the important markers for distinguishing between classes. ...
Mathews24's user avatar
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Regression model performance with noisy dependent variable

I'm doing a support vector regression with the dependent variable representing measurements from an uncalibrated sensor (measurement error between 2% and 20%) and I want to study the effect of this ...
hfaila's user avatar
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Tensorflow InvalidArgumentError: You must feed a value for placeholder tensor

I come across this error when I run the following code, trying to get prediction on test data. By printing out operation names, I see no operation named ...
ab123's user avatar
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k nearest neighbors method, temporal trend in error

I have this set of data that looks like this I was asked o build a $k$-nearest neighbors algorithm for it which I just finished building. I have this question in regards to the data that I do not ...
Snorrlaxxx's user avatar
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Implementation of reliable rule learning

I want to perform "reliable rule learning", i.e. mining a set of rules with a very low number of false negatives. I recently read the paper "Reliable agnostic learning" by Kalai et al. (https://doi....
Tobias B.'s user avatar
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Matplotlib: plot indicating the precision of measurements

I have some data with some margin of error and am using numpy arrays to plot that data. Assuming the precision is, let's say, 0.05 or 0.03grams, then the data will be something like [4.0 $\pm$ 0.05, ...
evaristegd's user avatar
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Errorbars on a weighted average (of a non gaussian distribution)

I have some datapoints $x_i$ and errors $\sigma_i$ which are the absolute value of some datapoints $w_i$ with (supposed) gaussian errorbars (the $\sigma_i$). The $x_i$ are amplitudes so we did not ...
Richard's user avatar
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Theoretical background for model arhitecture choosing

Suppose I have a dataset $X$ and two different binary labels $y_{1}$ and $y_{2}$. The classes are very imbalanced - 3% of true in $y_{1}$ and 2% in $y_{2}$. Moreover, there are no pairs of (0,1), so, ...
Ladenkov Vladislav's user avatar
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Help training Back-propagation Neural Network With 150k training pairs

I am currently trying to train my backpropagation to classify 150k training pairs. Each training pair is a vector of 18 Bipolar numbers and it runs through 2 hidden layers with a final output of 1 ...
matt standley's user avatar
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XgBoost error: contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or more levels

Aman 's user avatar
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