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Questions tagged [fastai]

Fastai is a deep learning library for Python. It is built on top of PyTorch, and provides high level API to various common deep learning applications and data types. For more information see: or

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How to specify version for dependencies so that each one is compatible and stays within a size limit?

I am trying to deploy a web app to Heroku. The free tier is limited to 500 MB. I am using my resnet34 model as a .pkl file. I create model with it using the fastai ...
truth's user avatar
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Improve performance of my CNN model

I am working on an image classification problem. There are 876 images in the training and 600 in the test dataset. It is a multi class classification for plants. Since this is my first CNN problem, ...
Akshat Shreemali's user avatar
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2 answers

Classification with a lot of the classes

I’m trying to make model which will classify text into about 500 different classes. I think that I have to customize architecture of the Pooling Classifier which looks now like this: ...
maliniaki's user avatar
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Why do all the resulting curves from my function combining N-many random ReLUs look like quadratics?

I've written a function that generates a sum of N-many RelU functions, with random slopes and activation points. I was expecting these resulting functions to be arbitrary, random curves, but for some ...
Marco Acea's user avatar
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1 answer

Bad performance with CNN for basic image classification task

how are you doing? I'm playing around with CNN in FastAI. My model with 2 millions parameters only has around 80% accuracy. I also tried with Data normalization, Batch normalization, Label smoothing, ...
Toan Nguyen's user avatar
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How to improve neural network for face classification?

I generated 700 1024x1024 images of female faces using an API. I labelled them either as attractive or unattractive. The neural net should learn which face I find attractive and which not. But the ...
Erdogan Seref's user avatar
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AttributeError: normalize fastai

I'm trying to use fastai to train a model however I get this error when I try to normalize my data using imagenet stats. After searching for a while, I can't find any valid substitute for this line. ...
nprime496's user avatar
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From what function do come the gradients that I use to adjust weights?

I have a question about the loss function and the gradient. So I'm following the fastai ( course and at the end of 4th chapter, I got myself wondering. From what ...
Igor Kolesnikov's user avatar