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2 answers

Encode 10k features where each feature is having more than 500 categories

I have around 10k features in my dataset and each feature is having more than 500 categories. what is the best encoding method to convert this categorical features to vector form? "span_dir":...
khushi's user avatar
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Imputing features with NA values in classification task

I currently have a dataset where each observation is a person's traffic ticket history over districts. For each column, which represents a district: 1 represents that a person has received 1+ traffic ...
Eisen's user avatar
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How to handle a feature vector that could be variable length?

I would like to train a machine learning model with several features as input as X[] and with one output as Y. For example Every sample has a Data frame like this: ...
Crazy9's user avatar
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One feature - several units

I have a dataframe where one of the features is the Mileage expressed in some cases in $\frac{km}{l}$, while in others is expressed in $\frac{km}{kg}$, according to the combustion type of the car (so ...
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