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Difficulty understanding the difference between Poisson, Quasi-Poisson, and Negative Binomial models

I will try to keep this short. As an assignment for my GLM course, we were given a dataset on the # of homicide victims a person knows, as well as the race of the person. The main idea is to answer ...
Ali Shana'a's user avatar
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Predictive model to maximize sum of dependent variable?

I am trying to classify cars for a towing company. Junky cars earn more when sent to the junkyard, and the more valuable cars should earn more at the auction, despite the auction fee. Creating a ...
Lamden's user avatar
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Outputting risk groups for a logistic regression model

I have a problem with outputting the terms for a logistic regression model in R. For a given list of independent values, say list l of terms {w,y,z} to determine dependent variable {x}, I want to ...
uhhh_big_mike_boiii's user avatar