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Questions tagged [inception]

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19 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Error when trying Transfer Learning

I'm trying to train a model which is an extension of Google's Inception-V3 for the purpose of recognizing and classifying whether there is any pneumonia using x-ray images. I've used Tensorflow-Hub ...
MetaInformation's user avatar
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What are towers in inception architecture and tensorflow?

My understanding of towers in inception architecture and in tensorflow terminology is that they are part of a neural network model for which separate computation can happen on forward phase and ...
Gaurav Srivastava's user avatar
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Running Tensorflow MobileNet from Java

I am trying to run Tensorflow for image recognition (classification) in Java (JSE not Android). I am using the code from here, and here. It works for Inceptionv3 models, and for models retrained from ...
James's user avatar
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Confusion regarding prediction results of SVM and ANN on feature vectors

I am making a custom image classifier using Transfer Learning on Inception V3. I have 3 classes of images with ~6K images each. The input dimension of the network is 500X500 and the output of the ...
Krishna Sharma's user avatar
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I am trying to retrain inception final layer on new set of images. I am using docker TensorFlow image on Windows environment. Below are the steps that I am following. Install docker toolbox for ...
Kantesh Biswas's user avatar
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About multiple objectives in Inception networks

Inception networks, in contrast to most of the networks, can have multiple outputs, from which the gradient can propagate in order to update the weights. These outputs can have different size and ...
spiridon_the_sun_rotator's user avatar
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How does bottleneck layer reduce computations without compromising with performance?

I was reading an article explaining the google's inception model . There it was mentioned , that to reduce the number of computations , we use a bottleneck layer. But I was surprised , if the model ...
Ajinkya Dandvate's user avatar
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Is it possible to use Inception Model in GANs (DCGAN) using PyTorch(or any other library)?

MAIN ISSUE: Is it possible to use Inception Model (e.g. v3) for DCGAN using PyTorch(any other library)? I've tried to find info how it could be implemented but nothing has been found. It was explained ...
CapJS's user avatar
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What is an optimal local sparse structure of a convolutional vision network?

I was reading the InceptionNet Paper, where I found quite a few references to developing a sparse network structure, but I am not clear on what this means. An ...
Dhruv Mullick's user avatar
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How to compute Frechet Inception Score for MNIST GAN?

I'm starting out with GANs and I am training a DC-GAN on MNIST dataset. The two metrics that are used to evaluate GANs are Inception Score (IS) and Frechet Inception Distance (FID). Since Inception ...
Nagabhushan S N's user avatar
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Why is the GoogLeNet retrained model size less compared to others?

I have some questions if someone can answer me or guide me articles to understand them. I investigated different pre-trained model i.e. AlexNet, VGG, GoogLeNet, InceptionV3 and ResNet. I have ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Training Inception V3 based model using Keras with Tensorflow Backend

I am currently training a few custom models that require about 12Gb GPU memory at the most. My setup has about 96Gb of GPU memory and python/Jupyter still manages to hog up all the gpu memory to the ...
Reuben_v1's user avatar
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Pretrained InceptionV3 - very low accuracy on Tobacco dataset

I'm trying to fine-tune a pre-trained InceptionV3 on the tobacco-3482 document dataset (I'm only using the first 6 classes), but I'm getting accuracies under 20% on the validation set (> 90% accuracy ...
arao6's user avatar
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What is the reason behind the minimum image size in the Keras InceptionResNetV2 model?

In Keras' documentation for the InceptionResNetV2 model, it says the following: input_shape: (...). It should have exactly 3 inputs channels, and width and height should be no smaller than 139. I'...
Robin's user avatar
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TensorFlow Inception V3

What are bottleneck values and how are they generated? How does the next-to-last layer of Inception use these bottlenecks to generate the accuracy? How is the final accuracy calculated?
user37996's user avatar
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Inception V3 Running Stats?

Has anyone created statistics on how fast and accurate Inception V3 can classify an image based on criteria such as: different models of GPUs/CPUs, input image size, input image ratio, file format, ...
user5812721's user avatar
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Dealing with pre-trained model for grayscale images

I would like to do Transfer Learning using one of the novel networks such as VGG, ResNet, Inception, etc. The problem is that my images are grayscale (1 channel) since all the above mentioned models ...
Hunar's user avatar
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Number of input and output channels of MAX POOL layer

This is what Andrew Ng draws in his pooling layers video in the Coursera Deep Learning Specialization: and this is what he draws in Inception network video: Notice in first slide, number of input ...
Rnj's user avatar
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Is there wights of voice or audio for VGG or Inception?

I want to use VGG16 (or VGG19) for voice clustering task. I read some articles which suggest to use ...
Boom's user avatar
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