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Word count with map reduce

Suppose we use an input file that contains the following lyrics from a famous song: We’re up all night till the sun We’re up all night to get some The input pairs for the Map phase will be the ...
def __init__'s user avatar
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Loading file into and out of HDFS via system call/cmd line vs using libhdfs

I am trying to implement a simple C/C++ program for the HDFS file system like word count, it takes a file from the input path puts it into HDFS (where it gets split), processed my map-reduce function ...
n0unc3's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the MapReduce application master?

From Hadoop The Definitive Guide The whole process is illustrated in Figure 7-1. At the highest level, there are five independent entities: • The client, which submits the MapReduce ...
Tim's user avatar
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Which one of these tasks will benefit the most from SPARK?

My company processes Data (I am only an intern). We primarily use Hadoop. We're starting to deploy spark in production. Currently we have have two jobs, we will choose just one to begin with spark. ...
Melchia's user avatar
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How to multiply a "fat and short" matrix with a "tall and thin" matrix using MapReduce?

Assume that $A_{m \times n}$ and $B_{n \times k}$ are to be multiplied to get $C_{m \times k}$. Now if $n$ is too large for a single row $A_{j}$ of $A$ to fit in RAM (and similarly for columns of B) ...
wabbit's user avatar
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Suggestions on what patterns/analysis to derive from Airlines Big Data [closed]

I recently started learning Hadoop, I found this data set - (2009 data), I want some suggestions as what type of patterns or analysis can I do in ...
Nikhil Verma's user avatar
6 votes
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How to make k-means distributed?

After setting up a 2-noded Hadoop cluster, understanding Hadoop and Python and based on this naive implementation, I ended up with this code: ...
gsamaras's user avatar
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Pig is not able to read the complete data

I am trying to load a huge dataset of around 3.4 TB with approximately 1.4 million files in Pig on Amazon EMR. The operations on the data are simple (JOIN and STORE), but the data is not getting ...
shanky_thebearer's user avatar
2 votes
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Can Hadoop be beneficial when data is in database tables and not in a file system

I work for a bank. Most of our data is in the form of database tables. Would we benefit by implementing Hadoop? I am of the impression that Hadoop is more for a Distributed File System (unstructured ...
Victor's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Can all statistical algorithms be parallelized using a Map Reduce framework

Is it correct to say that any statistical learning algorithm (linear/logistic regression, SVM, neural network, random forest) can be implemented inside a Map Reduce framework? Or are there ...
Victor's user avatar
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Data produced as an output to Dumbo API of Python not getting distributed to all the nodes of cluster

On the node from which I run Dumbo commands, all the files produced as output are produced on the same node. For example, suppose there is a node having name hvs on which I ran the script: dumbo ...
Harshvardhan Solanki's user avatar
8 votes
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Data science and MapReduce programming model of Hadoop

What are the different classes of data science problems that can be solved using mapreduce programming model?
10land's user avatar
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7 votes
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Linear Regression in R Mapreduce(RHadoop)

I m new to RHadoop and also to RMR... I had an requirement to write a Mapreduce Job in R Mapreduce. I have Tried writing but While executing this it gives an Error. Tring to read the file from hdfs ...
user3782364's user avatar
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Difference Between Hadoop Mapreduce(Java) and RHadoop mapreduce

I understand Hadoop MapReduce and its features but I am confused about R MapReduce. One difference I have read is that R utilizes maximum RAM. So do perform parallel processing integrated R with ...
user3782364's user avatar
12 votes
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Does Amazon RedShift replace Hadoop for ~1XTB data?

There is plenty of hype surrounding Hadoop and its eco-system. However, in practice, where many data sets are in the terabyte range, is it not more reasonable to use Amazon RedShift for querying ...
trienism's user avatar
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Can map-reduce algorithms written for MongoDB be ported to Hadoop later?

In our company, we have a MongoDB database containing a lot of unstructured data, on which we need to run map-reduce algorithms to generate reports and other analyses. We have two approaches to select ...
Amir Ali Akbari's user avatar