Questions tagged [metric]

A metric is a way to evaluate the performance of a machine learning model. Depending on the task, different metrics may be used.

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What if many different models reach the same maximum metrics

I am talking about trying different algorithms, different parameters, different stacking configurations that all improve upon previous baselines, and yet a lot of them have exactly the same values on ...
liakoyras's user avatar
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Precision, recall and importance of them in the imbalance problem

I have a test dataset. The dataset is an imbalanced dataset. The total training instances for the dataset is 543 among them minority class(yes) is 75 and the majority class(No) is 468. The class of ...
Encipher's user avatar
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Select threshold (cut-off point )for binary classification by desired fpr persentage value

I want to recreate catboost.utils.select_threshold(desc) method for CalibratedClassifierCV model. In Catboost I can select ...
Michael's user avatar
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Average precision, balanced accuracy, F1-score, Matthews Correlation Coefficient, geometric means

Average precision, balanced accuracy, F1-score, Matthews Correlation Coefficient, geometrics means are the few evaluation metrics for imbalanced data. However, all this metrics can lead to different '...
gracenz's user avatar
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Equal error rate for multiclass (non-binary) classifier

In many biometrics identification papers they measure they performance by computing Equal Error Rate (EER). When dealing with verification problem, or any other binary classification problem - the ...
Triceratops's user avatar
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How to test the confidence for a rule based system?

I have a multi-class dataset and I generated based on it rules. That is, if certain features are seen then it must be a certain class. I chose only rules with precision 1 (with respect to the whole ...
greenButMellow's user avatar
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MAE divided by median metric

I have a regression task for which my best models has a Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of approximately 15,000. The median value of the target variable is approximately 150,000. I want to report that the ...
KK_o7's user avatar
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Calculate RMSE based on R squared and vice versa

If for example I have the value of RMSE can I calculate the $R^2$? And vice versa if I have the value of $R^2$ can I calculate the value of RMSE? I have all predictions, dataset, training set, and ...
Djakarta_zero's user avatar
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precision and recall at k for movielens dataset

I wanted to recreate a very simple collaborative filtering example with the 1M movielens dataset I have from Kaggle ( and then ...
corianne1234's user avatar
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XGBClassifier's predictions are not probabilities with objective='binary:logistic'

I am using a XGBoost's XGBClassifier, a binary 0-1 target, and I am trying to define a custom metric function. It supposedly receives an array of predictions and a DMatrix with the training set ...
João Bravo's user avatar
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Why calculating how much removed sentences with most contributing words to the result helps to show that a model is "*faithful*"?

I don't understand how the calculation score taking out the sentences where the words contribute the most of to the result helps to show to what extent a model is "faithful" to a reasoning ...
Revolucion for Monica's user avatar
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the error value of two model is different, one has smallest MAE but another one have smallest MSE

I have two machine learning model, the model result different error value in MAE and MSE. M1 have smallest MAE, but M2 have smallest MSE. Can anyone explain to me, why this happen? I also add my ...
Ardy's user avatar
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How do I compute the Weighted average ROC Curve?

So i have a multiclass problem and successfully computed the micro and macro average curves, how do I calculate the weighted value for each TPR and FPR?
Marco Ramos's user avatar
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What metrics work well in unbalanced assemblies?

I wanted to know if there are some metrics that work well when working with an unbalanced dataset. I know that accuracy is a very bad metric when evaluating a classifier when the data is unbalanced ...
PicaR's user avatar
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specificity for 3 class

I was reading an answer in qoura to calculate the specificity of a 3 class classifier from a confusion matrix. In the below answer
Arun Jose's user avatar
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Normalization and Denormalization

I have few queries. 1) Is normalization required for ANN / CNN /LSTM ? 2) If we normalize the data with MinMax Scaler, then in that case how to denormalize it and when to denormalize it so that we ...
Tarun Sharma's user avatar
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How can I calculate de AUC PR of my classifiers in a multiclass scenario?

I'm developing image classifiers in a context with 25k images and 50 classes. The dataset is imbalanced. Some papers recommend AUC PR for comparing the performance of my classifiers in this setting. ...
Zaratruta's user avatar
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Why is NDCG high even for wrongly ranked predictions?

The NDCG (Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain) metric for ranking is defined as DCG/IDCG, where IDCG is the ideal DCG and is said to take values in [0, 1]. However, since the DCG will always be ...
Michael's user avatar
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how to interpret precsion recall value in binary classification of scikit-learn

I am working with binary classification and my classification report generated through scikit-learn looks like the image below. I am confused I have two precision-recall values one for class 0 and the ...
user12's user avatar
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Measuring performance of customer purchase predictions

My goal is to develop a model that predicts next customer purchases in USD (Update: During the time period of the dataset, if no purchase was made by the customer, the next purchase label is set to ...
Shlomi Schwartz's user avatar
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Which error metric is best for financial returns?

I am trying to predict price change i.e most of the time values around zero (+ and -). In my backtest I predict only one period during test. I would like to know in each iteration which model was the ...
minattosama's user avatar
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Computing precision in case of multi-label classification

When evaluating a multi-label model for precision by averaging the precision of each sample, would it be appropriate to a) ignore those samples where no prediction is being made? Or is it more ...
Rahul's user avatar
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How can the F_beta score with a search for the best threshold be implemented as a metric in tf.keras?

I'm trying to implement a custom metric in TensorFlow using the Keras API. The metric will be used on a binary classifier with one single output node. On a single evaluation, the metric is supposed to ...
lukas935's user avatar
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What happens to auc when true positive rate grows

How does change in true positive rate affects AUC? Does increase of TPR lead to increase of AUC as well?
Ir8_mind's user avatar
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How to show combined overall accuracy for a multi-ouput model in Keras?

I have a model of the following structure. It has 6 outputs. Given an image, the model predicts classes of 6 different components from the image. The metrics I used are: As you can see it outputs an ...
Exo's user avatar
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Is it bad to use "coefficient of determination" for recommendation?

This is a general question about recommendation: Is it a bad idea to use "coefficient of determination"($R^2$) as metrics for recommendation? I am building a model of recommendation and ...
fuku's user avatar
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Specificity over 100

I am construction a deep neural network for a classification task, when I look at the metrics, I have a specificity of 1.04. Is it possible to have this metric over 100 ? How do you interpret it? ...
user979974's user avatar
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Average of metrics using 10-fold

I'm working with 10 k-fold cross validation and I'm wanting to average the metrics, but I'm not getting it with sklearn. This is the way I am doing it and the metrics are being printed by fold. ...
StaLLoNe_CoBRa's user avatar
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Choose ROC/AUC vs. precision/recall curve?

I am trying to get a clear understanding on various classification metrics, including knowing when to choose ROC/AUC as opposed to opting for the Precision/Recall curve. I am reading Aurélien Géron's ...
lazarea's user avatar
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How could we interpret a SI Scatter Index and RMSE?

SI is RMSE divided by the average value of the observed values (or the predicted values? am confused)? is SI = 25% acceptable? (is the model good enough? )
Hich's user avatar
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Which Keras metric for multiclass classification

I have a multiclass classification data where the target has 11 classes. I am trying to build a Neural Net using Keras. I am using softmax as activation function ...
spectre's user avatar
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How can i adapt accuracy metric for multiclass classification?

I have a problem which is multiclass e.g. That is 4 classes. I would like a custom metric to assess the model where only if class 3 is predicted as class 2 and class 2 is predicted as class 3 (i.e. ...
Maths12's user avatar
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Should I apply Softmax before calculating metrics Precision or similar?

I am using PyTorch Lightning (there is no tag for this and I don't have enough reputation to create one) and am facing a multi classification problem. My loss function is ...
c0mr4t's user avatar
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I know the metric sparse_categorical_accuracy ...
Paolo's user avatar
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How to identify precision, recall, IoU, and mAP in these results for my trained Tensorflow model?

I have trained a Single Shot Detector model (using Tensorflow), and have run the evaluation metrics. However, I am not entirely sure what to make of them. Doing a computer vision literature search, ...
ihb's user avatar
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Is sensitivity the same as recall in multiclass classification?

In Wikipedia, it is stated "In binary classification, recall is called sensitivity" under the Recall section. Are they both different in case of multi-class classification?
penguin_smasher's user avatar
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Similarity between binary vector with hierarchal structure

I have dataset of binary vectors, where each vector composed from several small vector coming from a different parent category. Each of those categories has a different size e.g. ...
Amit be's user avatar
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RMSE vs R-squared

Question: Which is a better metric to compare different models RMSE or R-squared ? I searched a bit usually all the blogs say both metrics explain a different idea, R-squared is a measure of how much ...
Hitesh Somani's user avatar
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'Collision' resolution for precision in object detection

For object detection we often use metrics based on precision/recall. My question is what is generally the process of matching the prediction and ground truth bound boxes, when there are multiple ...
Kirill Fedyanin's user avatar
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No Recall metric in MLEval library in Python

I am exploring different AutoML libraries in Python. Found MLEval from Alteryx. When I try to use this tutorial, I have an interesting result. I was trying to add ...
Anakin Skywalker's user avatar
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How to interpret the Precision Recall AUC

The ROC AUC has an intuitive interpretation: the probability that the score of a randomly sampled 1-labeled item will be higher than a randomly sampled 0-labeled item. Is there a similar ...
Jacob G's user avatar
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If we dont specify any distance in KNN model, how is n_neighbors parameter calculated?

If we don’t specify the distance, how is the n_neighbors calculated?
Karthik Ganesh's user avatar
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Recall, Precision and f2 compute in python tensorflow

How can I compute precision,f2 and recall values in my code? Please find my code below: <...
BÜŞRA ZENCİR's user avatar
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What metric should I use to achieve perfect score when choosing all possible results?

A guy told me that he can predict which player I would choose from Greece's Euro 2004 Champion football team. Assume my choice was random. He then goes ahead and names all the players of the team. He ...
gsamaras's user avatar
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How to compare error metrics for model with and without Seasonality?

I am aiming to guage the difference in my model performance from using data with and without Sesonality removal. My approach to Seasonality removal is taking the log of the column data and then ...
frantic oreo's user avatar
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Using Z-test score to evaluate model performance

I think I know the answer to this question but I am looking for a sanity check here: Is it appropriate to use z-test scores in order to evaluate the performance of my model? I have a binary model that ...
I_Play_With_Data's user avatar
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If ROC is used to find a threshold, but AUC is threshold invariant, why use AUC?

Say I have a binary classifier. I calculate ROC to select an ideal threshold of say, 0.6. Then, I look at the AUC. But wait! If AUC doesn't change by selecting an 0.6 threshold, then what makes AUC ...
Monica Heddneck's user avatar
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How do I make inference about test metrics for entire population from sample metrics?

Generally we calculate specific metrics for ML models on a test set (and we try to make that test set representative). I'm not clear on how to make inference about the same metrics for the population ...
Shirish Kulhari's user avatar
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Create new performance indicators (error metrics)

I am wondering if any of you happen to know of a procedure/approach/rationale to develop new performance indicators (error metrics) that can be used to evaluate the prediction capability (say, ...
The Guy's user avatar
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Overall AUC higher than all "stratified" AUCs

For one of my binary classification models, I have observed this (Simpson's Rule-esque) paradox. The AUC on the test set as a whole is 0.8. Gender is one of the model's features. So I decided to ...
Rohan Kadakia's user avatar