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Questions tagged [named-entity-recognition]

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Why Do Two NER Models with Different Training Data Yield Identical Results?

I've developed several versions of an NER model using spaCy to identify singers in file names. Despite making significant updates to the training corpus—comprising approximately 13,000 entries—and ...
NH.LOCAL's user avatar
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Best practice for classification of parts of a sound file based on content

I have a collection of raw recordings. I also have a text file for each recording with the starts and ends of subparts of interest from the original recording. I want to train a model to classify ...
David Harar's user avatar
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How should I use ML to extract the entries from a dictionary?

A question about methodology I know that methodology questions are not welcome on the Stack Overflow site, but I don't know if they are acceptable here. If they are not, I apologize. Description of ...
lima's user avatar
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Expanding Training Data for Intent and Entity Recognition Model

I have a specific use case where I need to identify both intent and entities within a given statement. For example, given the statement "Book train tickets from Mumbai to Delhi," the intent ...
D.Sunil's user avatar
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NER Named Entity Recognition using LLMs Like tranF5 or LLAMA2

I am trying to do NER (Named entity recognition) using Large language models like Trans-F5 or LLAMA2. Till now, I found the ways of using prompt engineering. Which means we need to specify what to ...
Sand T's user avatar
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BIO Format (Skills,Qualification,Experience)

I have Dataset (CSV format). My mail goal is to do named entity recognition and use algorithms that are today's SOTA, for example according to the website One of the SOTA is this ...
user6738121's user avatar
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LLM powered chat bot enhanced by NER

I have been reading on the capabilities of LLM based conversational agents and have been wondering if there is even possibility for any further enhancement with the addition of NER to such system. If ...
D.Kiji_Noctis's user avatar
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Deduplication using NLP

I have a product catalog. The user can add a new product to the catalog. The user can enter some attributes (such as color, weight, etc.) in the text boxes. The user can also mention the description ...
Shrinidhi M's user avatar
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Finding associated words to a named entity

Is there a way to find a list of associated words to a Named Entity? For instance : let the Named Entity be FIFA. Now FIFA is a Football Organization and hence related to the term football and all the ...
Vivek Hotti's user avatar
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NLP vs Keyword-Search. which one is the best?

I have constructed a natural language processing (NLP) model with the aim of identifying technology keywords within text. The model is trained on a large dataset that contains over 400,000 phrases and ...
Lakshitha Samod's user avatar
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NER - What advantage does IO Format have over BIO Format

In this paper, the authors say that they used IO schema instead of BIO in their dataset, which, if I am not wrong, means they just tag the corresponding Entity Type or "O" in case the word ...
Damm Joe's user avatar
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identify data type of column from table using NER models

I have structure data with csv or parquet format, I would like to extract the data type of the column by analyzing the data. when I looked at the NER from Hugging phase transformers, it actually ...
Anantha's user avatar
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Named Entity Recognition using Spacy V3 with imbalance entities

Will the spacy V3 model get affected by imbalanced entities? I have got a dataset annotated in spacy format and if I look into my custom entities the rations are different for different entities. For ...
jeevu94's user avatar
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How to link/relate predicted entities in named entity recognition?

I have developed a NER model to detect all address and property price independently in a pdf document which have property address and its prices in natural language. There are lots of variations in ...
GeorgeOfTheRF's user avatar
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Is it recommended to train a NER model using a dataset that has all tokens annotated?

I'd like to train a model to predict the constant and variable parts in log messages. For example, considering the log message: Example log 1, the trained model ...
Stefan Petrescu's user avatar
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Entity Embeddings of email address

I have a set of email address e.g. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]..... Is it possible to apply ML/Mathematics to generate category (like NER) from ...
Gupta's user avatar
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How to train a machine learning model for named entity recognition

I cannot find any sources about the architectures of machine learning models to solve for NER problems. I vaguely knows it is a multiclass classification problem, but how can we format our input to ...
Student's user avatar
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How FLAIR NER algorithm detects entities with typo?

I'm checking the NER FLAIR algorithm with typos: 'Jackson has a number of apartments in Les Angeles San Diego and Oakland' I wrote Les Angele instead of ...
user3668129's user avatar
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Why FLAIR does't recognize the entire location name

I'm tying to to detect simple location with NER algorithm, and I'm getting semi-corrected results: ...
user3668129's user avatar
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Custom Named-Entity Recognition (NER) in product titles using deep learning

I am new to machine learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP). I am trying to identify which brand, product name, dimension, color, ... a product has from its product title. That is, from 'Sony ...
theteanjk's user avatar
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How can I use Wikipedia2vec model for embedding my article named entities as 40% entities are not in a wikipedia?

I have news articles in my dataset containing named entities. I want to use the Wikipedia2vec model to encode the article's named entities. But some of the entities (around 40%) from our dataset ...
sajankar9's user avatar
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How Can I Process SageMaker Ground Truth NER JSON Output into DataFrame?

So, I've recently created a job using AWS SageMaker Ground Truth for NER purposes, and have received an output in the form a manifest file. I'm now trying to process the manifest file into a dataframe,...
Timothy Hartanto's user avatar
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How to perform entity level train-val-test split for NER task?

A normal and stratified split option is provided by sklearn method that can be used for ML problems like multi-class classification. This is relatively easier to do as (1) one sample has one class, ...
Mohit's user avatar
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reducing false positives with annotated named entity recognition model

I am training a NER model to detect mentioned phrases and slang words in a bias study conducted on court cases. Essentially, I have packets of text that I scanned and these are the complete ...
dataviews's user avatar
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NER prections with distilbert transformer model

I am trying to extract 'agreement date' label from a corpus of legal contracts. In the train dataset, I used pytorch-transformer model to train. ...
Jay's user avatar
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How to use is_split_into_words with Huggingface NER pipeline

I am using Huggingface transformers for NER, following this excellent guide: My incoming text has already been split into words. When tokenizing during ...
Alan Buxton's user avatar
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How to use NER and POS for model input?

I am building a model for contract information extraction, where NER and POS could serve relevant information. I am trying with Keras (and XGBoost). My question would be what are the techniques to use ...
Gergo Miklos's user avatar
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Annotating NER dataset

I am working on annotating a dataset for the purpose of named entity recognition. In principle, I have seen that for multi-phrase (not single word) elements, annotations work like this (see this ...
Timbus Calin's user avatar
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Handling unknown words when making NER Models

I'm working on my custom Named Entity Recognition model that I'm making in Python's Keras lib. I have read that I should enumerate all words that are appearing, so that I get vectorized sequences. I ...
taga's user avatar
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Phone number tagging with spaCy

I have to do a BIO tagging for a given set of sentences. For example: ...
CK23's user avatar
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Dictionary of life sciences or medical terminologies

I'm exploring available open-source dictionaries with medical terminologies. I found this but it's limited. Currently focusing on how to make use of NIH. However, the challenge is that I'm running ...
Van Peer's user avatar
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Inter-Annotator Agreement score for NLP?

I have several annotators who annotated strings of text for me, in order to train an NER model. The annotation is done in json format, and it consists of a string followed by the start and end index ...
Adnos's user avatar
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Comparing Multiclass classifiers with "No Answer"-Class

I have three classifiers to classify some words into four classes. Every word that does not fit into any of these four classes gets classified as "No Answer". I would like to compare the ...
user120740's user avatar
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Extracting location from text - NOT sensetive to letters (Upper or Lower Case) or already known vocabulary words

I would like to extract location or contents related to location from raw text. I used the NLTK and spaCy packages already; none worked for me. For example, both would neglect 'canada' as a location ...
William_____that's_all's user avatar
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Heauristics for a NER model prediction

I am trying to build and NER model that can name entities in a "Job description." The entities are: Mandatory skills (Must have skills like java, python, c++ etc.) Nicetohave skills (the ...
Deepak Sharma's user avatar
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Most useful clustering algorithm for NER / document matrix

I have a matrix composed of documents in columns and named entities recognized in all the documents as rows. K-means clustering has not offer me a meaningful set of clusters, and indeed one of the ...
Juan Luis Chulilla's user avatar
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Extracting Keywoards from messages with own NER Model

I'm starting a project where I want to extract keywoards from given messages. The keywoards are for example something like: "hard disk", "watch" or other technical components. I'm ...
gurke's user avatar
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what is best classification that can be used with NER?

I want to do comparison of classification techniques but now i only have SVM as one of the techniques. Can anyone suggest another technique other than CRF and MNB? Thank you
user119374's user avatar
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Generation of medical institution names: training corpora?

My question is quite similar to this one: Generation of institution names. I need to be able to produce 'fake' names of medical institutions, specifically to create data for unit tests. Unfortunately, ...
Stanislav Koncebovski's user avatar
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Named Entity Recognition with BIO Tagging

I'm trying to implement NER using BIO annotation. For example "I went to the United States" [O, O, O, B, I, I] where B and I denote the beginning and '...
willyboy's user avatar
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Testing Spacy NER model

I've trained an NER model with the use of Spacy, and I would like to test the accuracy on a test dataset. What would be the best way to perform this?
Adnos's user avatar
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How Sklearn-crfsuit interpret text features

As we see here, to build an NER model we can pass text features (parts of the word, pos tag, structure of the word etc.) to Sklearn-CRF. I was wondering how does this package convert the text features ...
Saikat Bhattacharya's user avatar
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Custom POS tagger for health issues [closed]

I am new to NLP, I have a bunch of raw data that is not tagged at all of medical questions, I need to extract from them what are the health issues stated in those texts. I was thinking I need to ...
Aintsmartenough's user avatar
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Calculating confidence score in NER

I am working on a problem on Named Entity Recognition. Given a text, my model is detecting the Named Entities and extracting that info for the end-user. Now the ask is end-user needs a confidence ...
Saikat Bhattacharya's user avatar
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Imbalance classes in Named Entity Recognition

I am currently working on a NER problem which attempts to extract 2 entities - place-of-interest(POI) and street from an address string in the Indonesian language. I used IndoBert (available here) and ...
tangolin's user avatar
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complete entity extraction from unstructured data

I understand there are many techniques/libraries/packages to extract named entities like people, places etc. from data. Personally, for me an entity is something like: ...
cs0815's user avatar
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How to do NER predictions with Huggingface BERT transformer

I am trying to do a prediction on a test data set without any labels for an NER problem. Here is some background. I am doing named entity recognition using tensorflow and Keras. I am using huggingface ...
Khachatur Mirijanyan's user avatar
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Is CRF suitable for multi-words Named Entity Recognition?

I've a problem where I should create a custom NER by using sklearn CRF. In the official tutorial, they are using CoNLL2002 corpus is available in NLTK where the entities are represented with a single ...
nprime496's user avatar
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Approach for training multilingual NER

I am working on multilingual (English, Arabic, Chinese) NER and I met a problem: how to tokenize data? My train data provides sentence and list of spans for each named entity. e.g. ...
Constantin Werner's user avatar
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Medical NER for French language

I'm currently exploring the options to extract medical NER specifically for French language. I tried SpaCy's general French NER but it wasn't helpful to the cause (...
Van Peer's user avatar
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