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Backtracking filter coefficients of Convolutional Neural Networks

I'm starting to learn how convolutional neural networks work, and I have a question regarding the filters. Apparently, these are randomly generated when the model is generated, and then as the data is ...
Juan Cruz Carrau's user avatar
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Padding in Convolution Formula

Why is it that the formula for each element in a convolution between an image $I$ and a $k \times k$ sized kernel $K$ is $$ (I*K)_{ij}=\sum_{m=0}^{k-1}\sum_{n=0}^{k-1}I_{(i-m),(j-n)}K_{mn}=\sum_{m=0}^{...
dontloseyourgoalie's user avatar
7 votes
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Convolution backpropagation

I'm in the progress to learn, and understand different neural networks. I pretty much understand now feed-forward neural networks, and back-propagation of them, and now learning convolutional neural ...
Gergő Horváth's user avatar
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Computing derivatives for backpropagation across a convolution step

This will be a long post, but I hope it'll be instructive to anyone else in my position. I'm trying to find how the derivatives of the loss function are calculated with respect to the kernels and ...
Shirish's user avatar
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How to interpret sudden jumps of improvement in training error vs. iteration?

In the Residual learning paper by He et al., there are a number of plots of training/test error vs. backprop iteration. I've only ever seen "smooth" curves on these plots, while in this paper's ...
Alexander Engelhardt's user avatar
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Adjusting weights in an convolutional neural network

I'm trying to implement a convolutional neural network at the moment. A simple feedforward network is not the problem but I'm having some trouble with the weight adjustment in the conv layer. Lets ...
avaj's user avatar
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16 votes
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Back-propagation through max pooling layers

I have a small sub-question to this question. I understand that when back-propagating through a max pooling layer the gradient is routed back in a way that the neuron in the previous layer which was ...
Majster's user avatar
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how to propagate error from convolutional layer to previous layer?

I've been trying to implement a simple convolutional neural network. But I've been stuck at this problem for over a week. To be specific, assume there are 3 layers in a convolutional pass, marked as ...
Shindou's user avatar
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