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How do I ensure final output shape matches input shape for a semantic segmentation task?

I trying to replicate the semantic segmentation example but train on my own data. I have 8 labels (7 features + background). My images ...
utx7563yu's user avatar
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Examples for multi-input Convolutional Neural Network

I want to create a multi inputs Convolutional Neural Network (cnn) that takes two inputs and produces one output of the inputs class by using Keras. I searched for resources that explain multi inputs ...
N.IT's user avatar
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How to properly save and load an intermediate model in Keras?

I'm working with a model that involves 3 stages of 'nesting' of models in Keras. Conceptually the first is a transfer learning CNN model, for example MobileNetV2. (Model 1) This is then wrapped by a ...
PixelatedBrian's user avatar